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As an aside, he did make fun of fat northerners, ie himself. When asked if he would rather be buried or cremated when he died he replied, "fcuking hell if they cremate me there will be nothing left apart from 6 ton of fcuking lard"
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Ha, ha, ha, johnlambert!

I do like a person who can laugh at themselves & take what they dish out! ;o}
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Ha, ha, ha, 10Clarion!

That's precisely what I was saying earlier!

Unless people went to his club & watched him live, they have no idea what they're talking about. He was such a friendly man & his many, many, non-racist jokes had everyone if fits of laughter.

I'm glad like thousands of others, you appreciated the kind side of him too!
I think that the point others are making is that no matter how many other jokes he said or how much charity work he did or how nice he was, he still had the attitude that if someone wasn't white then they shouldn't consider themselves British.

That is a racist attitude and what winds people up
I saw BM on Mrs Merton, and when she asked him whether he was a racist, he said "Yes...I don't like black people. I'm free to say that".

Words from his own mouth.

No matter now anyway...we have Peter Kay. Now there's the future of Northern comedy...and garlic bread.
Supastar - you're an idiot mate. Jim Davidson may have told a few Chalky jokes in the 70s and 80s, and to this day he insists Chalky was a mate of his, but he hasn't told a joke that could be 'perceived' as racist for 20 odd years.

I've seen him live a number of times over the past 20 years and his comedy has evolved into story telling as opposed to Chalky and Nick Nick jokes and not once do I remember him being racist.

When was the last time you saw him?

You want him dead because he may have been perceived as racist by a vocal minority more than 20 years ago?

You're an idiot.
Errr...are you calling me a superstar?

Cheers...don't know what I've done to deserve that platitude, but I appreciate it.

I used to live near Jim Davidson, when he live off the Old Kent Road. To be accurate, he lived in a block of flats near the bottom of East Street, and my family lived in Elsted Street. He was literally round the corner from me.

He referred to me as 'that lanky w*g' on a couple of occasions. I reckon I must've been about 9 or 10, because it was around the time he appeared on New Faces.

I have no time for racists, nor their apologists.

Oh, and he hates women too.

Nasty piece of filth.

Oh, and I don't wish them dead - I just mean that I'll celebrate when they do die.

In fact, I'lkl turn up to his funeral in a red suit and do a happy jig on his grave.
Bernard was a comedy legend. I would'nt go and see Victoria Wood if she was on at my local club and the tickets were free. Bernard filled every venue he performed at and could more or less charge what he wanted,why because he was a very funny comedian who knew how to make people laugh.
Little Willy

But he's not a patch on Peter Kay is he?

Everyone loves Peter Kay. Did you see the crowd at his 'Mum Wants A Caravan' tour?

I loved the fact that you had every colour and indeed, every age there.

Sorry to keep going on about Peter Kay, but people like him...I just think that they are true geniuses.

And from the old days, Frankie Howard, Bob Monkhouse, Morcombe & Wise, Stanley Baxter, Ronnie Barker.

Real quality there. Gutted I was too young to see any of them. Now they would've been able to fill arenas, let alone smokey old clubs.
Sp - no no, I was referring to SupaStar, the last post on the previous page timed at 18:57 on the 20th.

He is an idiot.
Ditto flipflop - we've seen Jim Davidson a couple of times, last time was at the Apollo in London. He was brilliant! As was Mike Reid.

It's up to the individual who they favour & if other's don't like it, then tough! I don't condemn other's for who they like! More important things to think about in life!

BTW, although other members of our family think Peter Kay's funny - I don't, but again, that's my choice!


I have seen BM on Tv a few times and although i did not fall off the chair laughing, some of his stories were funny.

I'm irish and he told some funny irish jokes (which he has since changed to polish jokes...)

Although he was unliked by a lot of people, at least he was honest and upfront, on tv he met an Irish guy at the bar in his embassy club and immediately ripped the absolute **** out of him.

Personally, he never offended me but then again I'm not easily offended.

just my two pence worth.

sp1814....I heard on the radio last week that the reason he said that on the Mrs Merton show was because she expected him to say no he wasn`t a racist then try to take the p!ss out of him, so he said he was and subsequently took the p!ss out of her and that tw@t Richard Wilson

I feel sorry for people like you who get offended by the likes of Bernard Manning and Jim Davidson

You should vent your anger elsewhere instead of a couple of comedians...sticks and stones ring any bells?

So you felt able to celebrate the death of Bernard Manning. I trust you celebrated with as much enthusiasm when Fred West and Myra Hindley died and no doubt when the scum who abducted Madeleine McCann is brought to justice you will have a street party lasting 6 months.
Rest in peace Bernard.
Common sense prevails!!!!
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so trevor mcdonald called abm a fat white *******, anything be said or done about that????? of course not!

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