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Ugandan 'Lesbian' ?

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anotheoldgit | 12:42 Mon 31st Jan 2011 | News
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Are we to believe all illegal immigrant's when they state that they are gay or that they also face execution or imprisonment because of their political leanings, or are they simply excuses for attaining a free ride in the UK?


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Yes they must have gone while I was answering him, if I had known I would not have bothered, obviously them ED also found them provoking.


To get back to my question, what proof is there that this woman is a Lesbian, is there a particular foolproof method of telling?

Being a fully paid up member of the heterosexuals, I would willingly say I was a homosexual, if I knew by saying so I could stay in England rather than Uganda.
Are we to believe all illegal immigrant's when they state that they are gay ...?


"... or are they simply excuses for attaining a free ride in the UK?"

Again, no.
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As I've already mentioned, POF, to come out and admit that you are a lesbian, especially if you are from a culture with advocates killing homosexual men and women, is far from being the 'glib' answer you seem to believe.

She will carry this particular shame and stigma forever (in the eyes of her countrymen and women) but at least she will be alive.
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Like I said AOG...they put people they suspect of benefit fraud under surveillance. Why wouldn't they do that with her? Would she be able to keep up the pretence of being a lesbian for 8+ years. I doubt it..
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That is obviously the method she is using to prevent her deportation from the UK.

Bet you a pound to a pinch of salt it will work too, then watch the increase in the amount of homosexual asylum seekers.

Why do you address me POF? is this another coded insult towards me, hoping that the ED doesn't de-code it.
What's POF mean?
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If she is a lesbian and is in real danger of forfeiting her life should she return to Uganda, then I am glad that she has been allowed to stay.

As is usual with many of your posts; you extrapolate one particular news-story to the nth degree. I shall expect you to publish quarterly figures to back up your assertion.
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Think that it may mean Price Of Freedom
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You asked me, how would she be able to keep up the pretence of being a lesbian for 8+ years? And how do benefit fraudsters get found out?

Well I presume lesbianism isn't like having a 'bad back' or any other disability for that matter, no there's nothing visible on the exterior or on the interior I presume, to prove one is a lesbian.

So how does she keep up the pretence?

Well she could always dress up in dungarees and sensible shoes, but so could anyone else.

She could also be seen to frequent gay bars, but so could anyone else.

She could be seen kissing another girl, yes definitely a give away, but still no definite proof of a fully paid up member, as this act takes place outside bars most weekends.

Only way would be for the immigration authorities to bug her bedroom and that would be an infringement of her human rights, always another good excuse for remaining in the UK.
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/// If she is a lesbian and is in real danger of forfeiting her life should she return to Uganda, then I am glad that she has been allowed to stay.///

I think most persons with a touch of humanity would agree to that.

But this whole debate hinges around those words 'if she is a lesbian'

Immigration authorities must have heard all sorts of excuses that un-successfuls have given in the hope of remaining in the UK. It is for them and the courts to sort out the bogus ones.

Another matter to take into consideration is the fact of why did she travel so far to get specifically to the UK? I am sure she could have found a welcoming lesbian country nearer to home.


Incidentally I could not understand the point of your last paragraph.

Still not told everyone what POF means, or at least you hadn't before I started this.
I understand that AOG....they don't have to hear bedroom activity to have their suspicions aroused.
Only that you are predicting the use of 'I'm gay and I'll be killed' as the plaintive cry of all asylum seekers (or at least the canny ones) based on the successful use of the ruse on this occasion.

I merely stated that I think that you ought to publish quarterly figures to back that up.
She doesn't have to be a Lesbian, she only needs to be thought of as a Lesbian by the authorities.

"Another matter to take into consideration is the fact of why did she travel so far to get specifically to the UK? I am sure she could have found a welcoming lesbian country nearer to home."
Maybe it was the next boat/flight out? Maybe she has friends here? Or maybe she speaks English better than she speaks other European languages? All good reasons.

As Jack The Hat says, she's unlikely to be accepted even within a British Ugandan community but if the choice is social exclusion or death I think we all know what we'd choose.
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