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Ugandan 'Lesbian' ?

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anotheoldgit | 12:42 Mon 31st Jan 2011 | News
95 Answers

Are we to believe all illegal immigrant's when they state that they are gay or that they also face execution or imprisonment because of their political leanings, or are they simply excuses for attaining a free ride in the UK?


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Simply because it is hard enough to find out certain figures ie the number of illegal immigrants in this country, and the number successfully deported.

I think I would find it almost impossible to find the reasons they have given to gain entry or their reasons they have offered up for not being deported, even on a yearly basis let alone a quarterly figure.

But if you would wish to have a go on my behalf, just to prove me wrong, please feel free.
I'm not the one cherry-picking stories from the headlines and working them into 'invasion' threads, POF; that's your hobby.

<<I think I would find it almost impossible to find the reasons they have given to gain entry or their reasons they have offered up for not being deported, even on a yearly basis let alone a quarterly figure. >>
But I bet you don't let that stop your slanted speculating, however.........
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Just pixels, doc...........All good fun XXX
From a report in The Guardian:

"An immigration judge found on the evidence before him that Ms Namigadde was not homosexual".

To stop all the speculation, perhaps that evidence should be made public.

With regards to future claimants to state that their homosexuality would put them in danger of death, I think mall we need do is examine Uganda's current anti-homosexuality legislation.

...oh, and the recent murder of David Kato.
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POF comes up a few times on the web

Urban Dictionary: Piece of Filth

Plenty Of Fish
Neither of those a relevant here, DeadEndStreet, I can assure you.
It certainly does not mean 'piece of filth' in the instance.
AOG should come for a few days at the seaside in August ...

2nd week in August I think ... it's Gay Pride Festival Week.
Of all the countries that this "lesbian" could have gone to why the UK, theres plenty of other african countries she could have gone too.......oh I see we give her housing and benefits and these other places dont, i get it now
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Does it ?

Are you offended (by a few pixels) on behalf of AOG, doc ?

It's all good fun...........I can assure you. XXX
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/// The lynch mob are out & the woman is being hung out to dry ably assisted by the Mail.///

Once again the bigoted attitude toward the Daily Mail overshadows the fact that the DM are fighting her corner for highlighting the issues of her case.

Pity we don't have a newspaper in this country like the Ugandan 'Rolling Stone'
then the Daily Mail haters would have a much more deserving cause to spout their vitreous comments on.

Then perhaps the DM would be allowed to continue to report on the news, the same as other British papers do, without all the unnecessary taunts.
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Ugandan 'Lesbian' ?

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