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A Husband And Wife...

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cupid04 | 00:54 Sun 03rd Feb 2013 | Jokes
8 Answers
A husband and wife go to the fairground.
The wife wanted to go on the Ferris wheel, but
the husband wasn't keen.So his wife went on
the ride by herself. The wheel went round and
round and suddenly the wife was thrown out
and landed in a heap at her husband's feet.
''Are you hurt?'' he asked. ''Of course I'm
hurt'' she replied. ''Three times I went round
and you didn't wave to me once!''


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Not funny!
so he wasn't being 'fair' then ..
I thought she was going to say "now I know how the hampster feels"
Boom - Boom (giggle)

A good joke as 'ferris' I can see
A wheely bad joke.
Wurlitzer a good attempt,anyway.
she should've sang "wheel meet again"
I thought it was funny.............would have sounded better if they'd been a Jewish couple.

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