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marval | 16:32 Sun 25th Jan 2015 | Jokes
7 Answers
The poor country pastor was livid when he confronted his wife with the receipt for a £150 dress she had bought. "How could you do this!" he exclaimed.

"I don't know," she wailed, "I was standing in the shop looking at the dress. Then I found myself trying it on. It was like the Devil was whispering to me, Hey, you look great in that dress. You should buy it.”

"Well," the pastor persisted, "You know how to deal with him! Just tell him, "Get behind me, Satan!"

"I did," replied his wife, "but then he said "It looks great from back here, too!"


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A devil of a joke
She could have run up a dress from a surplus surplice!
Lol ;)

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