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My Old

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marval | 16:31 Sat 15th Aug 2015 | Jokes
12 Answers
My old headmaster at school was a really angry man.

His name was Mr Phillips.

He was a cross head.


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Haha we had a Mr Alan Quay.
Ha ha very good.
We had a Mr Smallpiece, which was bad enough for a teacher but then we found his first name was Ivor ...
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Good one Togo
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Poor bloke PearlyQueen
At my old school there was a boy who was called Justin.
His parents were Mr. and Mrs. Thyme.
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I bet he loved that bookbinder
Our old headmaster was a Mr Monk.
He had some nasty habits.
I had a mate called Dennis Bates . The teachers at grammar school insisted on calling him master.
Our deputy head was Mr Janus....first name Hue, as I recall.
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Some great names here.
A bloke in Colwyn Bay Zoo was called Albert Ross.
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That really made me laugh Togo

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