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As right as Ninepence ?

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BRAVO1 | 00:15 Sun 15th Jun 2008 | Phrases & Sayings
4 Answers
Where does this saying come from ?


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I believe it is a corruption of "as right as ninepins" (the old form of skittles).

Quizmonster will be along soon to put us right.
The earliest known recorded form of the phrase is 'as neat as ninepence'. The first citation of that is in James Howell's English Proverbs, 1659:

"As fine as fippence, as neat as nine pence."

fippence being a five pence.
This link basically provides the same information as NJ's post but it also explains (with the reference to 'exactitude') why nine pins might be considered to be 'right': ssages/506.html

Thanks for your expression of confidence in me, New Judge, but clearly I was utterly unnecessary! Cheers

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As right as Ninepence ?

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