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Spectator 2593 By Lavatch

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Matakari | 18:35 Thu 23rd Feb 2023 | Crosswords
223 Answers
Good evening, I’m stumped by the following for which
I would appreciate answers with parsing. Thanks in advance!

4d Makes Greek coin with size I changed (9) : ??R?????S
9d Flower’s white round iceberg’s edge (6) : ?AR???
10d Volume in case upon switching periods in house? (10): ?C?????C??
15d Ruling party admitting king’s crime (10) : N?????T???
17d She inherits Scot’s land areas in segments (10) : T?????R???
31d Insects in north-east oddly flying (7) : ?O?????


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Matakari, I've always know my own limitations - and Hawk's puzzle is definitely way beyond me. Not only did it take me ages to solve a mere handful of clues, I'm not even sure what the preamble wants me to do.
Just had a quick look. Thank goodness it's not just me. lol
I've have only got 4 answers off the bat ( 5d, 8d, 27d and 32d) So I won't be wasting ink and paper on this one.
Thanks for the thought though Matakari. :-)
Klazo, I'm relieved you didn't say it looked a real treat!
Lol NAC :-)
No, Not at all !
And as yourself, What is that preamble all about. I got confused just reading it. :-)
Question Author
Whew! I feel better now and relieved, too. The preamble is like a labyrinth and I have only got 12d, 19d, 24d, 27d, 29d. But before I abandon this one, could you tell me your answers for 5d, 8d and 32d just for the fun of it, Klazo? Thanks !
Maybe start a new thread and include the clues so some of us can continue are learning journey... and I sometimes enjoy Spectator even if I can only get afew
Bobbinwales, the recent posts are about the much tougher crossword Matakari has mentioned - and he's given a link. If you have a look at it, you'll see it's much, much tougher than any Spectator crossword and it has a preamble that is incredibly complicated! Anyone giving a clue, asking for help, would need to supply an awful lot of info,
Ok...thanks. I'll pass on this crossword then!
I had linear for 5d. L (50) + In ear (balance) but now think it's wrong as I had 'Salival' for 1a (lisa + Lav [can] reversed.

8d Eased (reduced) l E g A l S p E e D (every so often)

32d Stew (Scouse) [junk/ anag indicator] Sent W[ith] N removed
so anagram set W
Ps. email is the superfluous word that neeeds to be removed.

39a I had 'Newness' (assorted bridge players)
lugs is superfluous.

Could you post your answers please NAC, As I did print it off after all. I will try again if you can help me fill a few more.

It's an absolute stinker !
I am deeply hurt that you are not interested in what I thought of the Hawk crossword, Matakari. :-)
Question Author
Bobbinwales, here is the link to the killer Crossword we're talking about if you are interested in having a look at it.
Klazo, I'm not going any further with this, but I had Eased, Newness, Stew, Essene (25 D) In Alt (35 A), Tilia (29 D) and Retains (36 A). These could be wrong and I'm not parsing them, sorry"
Ps. Sorry, Meant to say Matakari (not NAC)
Thank you NAC (posts crossed) I will enter them and see if I can get any further :-)
34d is Niue
Thanks Scorpio. And yes, I had retains, but couldn't parse. On further investigation, I now see 'you shouldn't have = TA' (silly me) :-)
13 A Might be Elopers, runaways. Sole,only, with Per, by.
Looks good to me NAC. I'm Off to make my Tea. Will try again after i have eaten.
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I have the following, but not absolutely sure of them:
26a Galen, 12d Pastels, 19d Edge(unsure), 24d Presto, 27d Emends
Matakari, Galen (26) seems OK - anagram of Angler, without the R, recipe, take (in Latin). He was an anatomist. 19 Edge seems fine too, backwards in the clue (with an apparent extra word).

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