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Occupations That Are Also Surnames In A Phonebook

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poodledoo | 23:19 Wed 09th Jan 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
21 Answers
24)He's in court (5)........I have 2 possible answers for this question so I need to know what you think the answer is please.


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usher ?
One too many letters there I think.
Just checked the Highlands Area phone book - both Judge and Usher are listed.
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the other one I had was clerk-which of them is most likely to be seen in a phone book?
having read the title, down to Judge or usher
Sorry, didn't see the '5'!
You are an anarchist Warts!
Mind you it could also refer to a Royal court or a sporting court....
You say the nicest things shoota :-)
I have judge and usher and haven't decided which to use.
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so clerk of the court gets the thumbs down then?
Are there people called Clerk? All the people I know have been Clark or Clarke.
checked my own phone book,
no Clerk. Only Clark or Clarke
Think Judge might be the most obvious !!!!!!!
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Thank you for your answers, especially to those who took the trouble to look in their phone book.Looks like its a toss up between Judge and Usher, but I liked Shootas answer of Crook too, although the the rest of the quiz answers don't seem to be thinking outside the box.

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Occupations That Are Also Surnames In A Phonebook

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