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Mad Over Fifties Club

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nungate | 20:09 Sat 04th May 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
279 Answers
Greetings Earthlings, we come in pea........................ooops! Sorry wrong thread!

Good evening and welcome to Nungate Towers for this evening's meeting of the Mad Over Fifites Club.
On the hot plate tonight we have a delicious beef Stroganoff, with piles of fluffy white rice as an accompaniment. As always there will be piles of volly vonts and canopies (other nibbles are available) and on the pudding trolley Queenie has created a 4 four layer Ice Cream cake! (I'd like to say she'd sweated over it's creation but it is very difficult to "sweat" in our cold store!)
Tonights Tailcock is a delicious concoction "the Grand Prix" (to be sipped at your own risk!)
We have engaged the services of a new band for tonight's meeting, The Bee Stingers, I am assured that they are more than up to the task of providing our entertainment this evening, (the Minstrels have sadly found themselves locked in our local Bank and won't be out until Tuesday and The Tone Deafs have gone on a Tour of the Lofoten Islands and will not be back again until Thursday week) However, I've been told that the Bee Stingers have promised us their tribute to that Sixties' band the Swinging Blue Jeans!
Sadly the race track is out of commission this week as it is being resurfaced owing to pot holes. However, as usual the hot tub is bubbling away, the bar has (again) been restocked, the maze is open and the row boats have been
lined up for use down on the lake. There are all sorts of games set up out in the gardens here at the Towers and I am sure there will be something to appeal to all members of the MOFC. Our rofl will be drawn later, carriages have been ordered for midnight.

A warm welcome awaits all who dare enter these portals


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Good night DT, sleep well.
psssst nungate - can you fix the riffle do mammar wins the tin?
night DTC xx
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happy to oblige Mrs O
Igor, Madame is acceptable, madam is not. I do not manage a brothel.
A drink would be appreciated.
Will somebody hurry up with that tin? The cake's melting at a rate of knots. We'll soon not need the syrup.
And anyway, with my luck it'll be lentil soup

thanks. I also believe tony is dying to win the karma sutra
That is correct mrs o.

Psssst Mammar I have bribed her, we'll soon have that tin.
Daisy, if you do consider starting up a brothel, I could do with supplementing my income. I'm very good with a duster.
Daisynonna, that is an interesting choice of career move.
Have you thought of a name for the brothel?
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Ok. I get the message Tickets at the ready? Then best beloved will start the draw.

Tonight's winning number is: Green

and the winning colours:


All prizes will be distributed by Belle in the vestibule........

Oh look I won the meal worms - the garden birds will be pleased

Tony, pickled onion vinegar for you

and an unlabelled tin to.........................Mammar!

Gosh what a lucky night!
Will bare (sic) that in mind Mammar. Potential custom?
Henceforth I shall call you Madame Daisy if that pleases you.

You know, I believe Madame once worked in a shop where one of those "ladies" shopped. She used to tell Madame's aunt all about her "work"
Oh wow! That's fantastic!
Nungate, can you do the honours for me, please, I'm so excited I can't drive the tin opener
(Crosses fingers)
Tony, pickled onion vinegar for you

WOW, how lucky am I ?.

Did she Igor, care to divulge ?.
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I'd love to help you Mammar but I can't use a tin opener unless it has a battery, I shall ask Queenie of Igor to help (it's the arthritis fingers, hand,s wrists, shoulders - all good clean fun!)
If I could I'd cross my fingers that you have won strawberries
I've got me spoon ready. . .
Just not lentil soup . . .
Please don't let it be lentil soup . . .
please don't ask me...remember the incident at work with the tea bag holder thing that me and you know who couldn't open....PMSL that was funny!
From what I overheard, the "lady" told Auntie all the things she did (and how much) and Madame overheard Auntie telling her mum all about it. Auntie only had one quesstions for the "lady" but never asked.
She always did a huge shop before she went to "work" and the last thing she always got was a packet of Handy Andies (pack of paper hankies) Auntie always wanted to know what they were for but didn't like to ask......probably just wanted to blow her nose really

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