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Lavender Oil

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Robinia | 14:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
1559 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.


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Baldwin's of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
18:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
I would love a scruffy mongrel type dog, another bird and two of the feral cats here, but they are such a tie, couldn't go anywhere, was bad enough going to barça and leaving Mousey, hija had to fly back to look after her!!
Just to let you know that I am back on facebook under the name of Ibiza Lyn, so back to normal!
woofy do you remember my real name on FB, if so can you search and see if it comes up? ta x
Just lit the log fire, it's not that cold but I love the small and the feel of it all, cosy.
Neti when I search for you by full name, nothing comes up, but when I put in just your surname, your new id comes up. I am not sure if it would if I wasn't your friend, do you want to unfriend me and I will try it again?
Thanks for that woofy, no don't bother, I never thought of that!
happy o do it, you can always refriend me again afterwards
I've just tried from another account who isn't a friend and nothing comes up, so all's well, thank for that, what a life of intrigue I live, fair wears me out!!

So what is everyone doing this evening, I am washed and brushed and sitting in bed watching dance for comic relief. I hate not being by the fire but Mr N has the golf on in the front room!

Lovely drying day today, got loads washed, but I loved it yesterday, the cold and the grey but defo not the wind. My wheelie bin without wheels is all cracked and useless now after it's flight across my yard!
lovely Neti, so wild! Its minus 5 forecast for tomorrow so no early morning walk. We'll probably go out for lunch instead.
I just bought this bag User Recommendation
Don't look at the price, my sister made me too it, she bought one as well.
Its getting colder and colder here. oight oight all
Morning all, that's a pretty bag woofy, but I need a bigger one, almost a tote!

Saw a nice film last night "Hope Springs" it's all about a stale 31yr old marriage and how the wife (Meryl Streep, can't stand her) wants more, it was quite thought provoking, but cannot see Mr N going to counselling for anything!!

Sort of grey outside, am still in bed until we get rid of the diseased palm tree this morning. Then off for lunch with hija somewhere!

Hope the rest of you are well and happy, warm and dry!
Lazy lot, where art thou all!
good morning all, grey here.
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flicks neti with a tea towel
Cheeky booger, I've been up since 7.30, tut....ok, so I sat around until 9.30 watching a Miss Marple on itv3 but it had Paul Nicholls in so it was compulsory.

Morning all...very chilly, sun's trying but I don't think it's gonna happen today and yesterday was so lovely, a real tonic. Sorry if you didn't have the same.

ooh, lovely bag woofy!
You want to know something funny? Earlier on yesterday I was chatting to Sis and we agreed that next time she is down, she will ebay some of her handbags and so will I because we have too many!!!!!
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ha, I'll believe that when I see 'em woofy! :)
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Only had 15 mins outside today, it's too cold. I just had to clean out the mini pond, I'd noticed the birds were trying to bathe in it and it was thick with rotted leaves and sludge, poor little things. Anyway it's all clean and clear with fresh towels and a bottle of birdedas now. :)
haha you are so funny Robi, birdedas, love it.

We have been to San Antonio for something to do, just walked the empty streets, the off to posh meat restaurant for lovely lunch. I had a fillet steak (solomillo), gorgeous it was, Mr N had a sirloin (entrecote) and hija had some pork, we also had spanish sausages, chorizo and butifarra, and cooked pots, onions and peppers (Ibicenco salad) wine and a coffee ish type of ice cream desert. Have now bathed and am in bed waiting to sleep it off. Will get up when Mr N has lit the log fire. it.

Do your birds need this as well?

Its cold here but brighter. We went out to my local craft shop and there was a fair and farmers market on at the community centre. I found four beautiful vintage soup cups and saucers with dogwood on which is one of my favourite flowers. She also had a lovely dark blue and gold cup saucer and plate set so we did some friendly haggling Bargainhunter stylee. She's got sideplates to match the soup cups so we haggled some more and I will collect them next week. I love vintage china. Next weeks job is to turn out my china storage and clear out what I don't love or use. Yes i do really have a "best" china cabinet. It used to get more use when we entertained though.
We actually did clear out some kipling stuff on ebay last year. its amazing what it sells for, especially the retired designs.

Anyway noba (don't read the next bit if you are squeamish)

I had a wander around the farmers market and found a pet stall selling cow ear dog chews. The usual chews like this are pig ear which Shughy is allergic to, I have been buying venison chews but they cost more than a pound each. These were bigger and much cheaper and a howling (or rather quiet chewing) success. The supplier is local and delivers!!!!! Score!!!!!

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