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Lavender Oil

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Robinia | 14:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
1559 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.


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Baldwin's of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
18:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
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Morning all...still cold here too, they keep saying 'milder'...erm, I beg to differ, reel feel minus 5C!!
good morning again. Its still flamin freezin here. Knee is responding well to rest so I am having another limited movement day. Its weird, takes a real effort not to leap up and do things.
Good p.m. all. Yes it's cold here but the sin has decided to shine so I wiill walk to school for my session with the youngsters.
Pleased your knee is behaving Woofy. I wish Neti would rest then her toe would get better. I've had a mad morning in my bedroom because of you Woofy :-) I've cleaned all the skirtings and all my white furniture including ceiling high sliding doors wardrobe. I think it's called a Spring Clean. So come on Spring I'm waiting!!
Hope everyone else is ok and feeling chirpy today. See yer later 'gater(s)
The sin is that a Freudian Slip I wonder! You know I meant sun didn't you?
I wouldn't mind a bit of shining sin myself, the nearest I get these days is bidding for too many things on ebay.
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Yes there's definitely a bright shiny object in the sky and it must be magical because it's made lots of dust appear.
Just done some homework for my nephew's 5yr old, on people living abroad. I had to hunt hi and low for postcards of the jolly ole island, then wrote one and half pages on life now and then on this island in language that a 5 yr old cass will understand.

How do you mention sex and cocaine in baby language!!
Of course I didn't!!! Just said how they used to wash clothes in the river and dance when they wanted to get married; just general stuff, hope it's OK.
did you mention the "addition" to the nativity????????
Hello all
Cold still but we've had a bit of watery sun .
Hope you are all OK .Nothing much to report .Same old ,different day .
I did pour strawberry Actimel in to my cuppa tea this morning instead of milk .
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hahaha, good thought woofy .... and don't forget about the ancient Ibiza tradition of matching pegs neti :)

and lol @ shaney, I made myself a lovely mug of hot water yesterday morning. :)
Just called in to say oight oight everyone. I'm off South tomorrow until Tuesday. Going to see 'We Will Rock You' at the Dominion on Saturday. Really looking forward to that. I'll catch up with you all when I get back or if I get chance to go on my friend's Lap top.
See yer later 'gater(s) Bye for now x
Enjoy Jude..... My best trick is putting coffee in the cup, then hot water, then a tea bag.......
There that Jude blows again, off she jolly well goes, there is absolutely no holding her back!

Just made Toad-in-the-hole, it was lovely cos I actually copied a recipe for the batter, I much prefer the crispy hole, I was going to do a Thai curry but had no coconut milk, then was going to do a moroccan cous cous but no caldo (stock), so thank heavens that shaney mention toad, that I could just about manage although I nearly ran out of flour. Finished off the carte d'or ice cream cake with caramel sauce. Now tucked up and watching Corrie.
Tired and cold. Oight oight all
Good morning biddies.

Jude have a nice time.

It is very very blowy here today, patio is a right mess with leaves everywhere, but won't be tidying them up til it lessens. Cold too.

Where's woofy, she is normally here about 6ish???

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glides thru on castors

Morning all, I'm here neti....glorious crisp sunny morning...having my hair cut shortly....but not too shortly :)
Back later.
morning all. knee a bit iffy again so we didn't go out this morning. out later for haircut.
ood morning Biddies. I have a computer to myself, but now have to go out.

Be back later.

I am back. I don't know what to wear today. I am meeting a friend and all my clothes are............................. 'tight'!!! My size 16 jeans fit, but the waist doesn't. Off to get a burkah!!!!................

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