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Lavender Oil

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Robinia | 14:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
1559 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.


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Baldwin's of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
18:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
hello all, yes, Jude, I think it's 25-26 to go up the Shard (sorry, this PC doesn't have pound signs), but that's only if you book ahead, it's nearer 30 if you just turn up on the day. Not something you'd do as a big family outing very often.

Well in spite of Accuweather it is hot and sunny here again so we are off to the beach hut for a week. I have a biography of Henry VIII to read, it was all I could find at the library. No computer there so I will just cross my fingers that your weather improves and your aches and pains go away.
jno £ = alt 0163 usually.

woofy and I have received several warnings that AB is unstable and our computers are at risk, I have only just managed to bypass the warnings. Ed's blog suggests it is all OK, so I hope so! Poor woofy could not get in, I snuck in the back door with firefox search page, so if neither of us is in tomorrow you'll know why!
I am back in on the iPad after multiple attempts, just to say oight oight all
Good morning, woofy straight in today no probs, hope it is all OK now

Just dried 3 loads of almost dry washing, glad to get it out of the way and then there's the ironing, not that much needs it!

Hija made a lovely chicken bourginoin (sp?) and rice /veg balls night. But the house is such a mess in the mornings, hate it, I like tidying the lounge at night and waking up to a tidy lounge in the morning, not going to happen now!

Blood tests tomorrow at 7am and then I have to trudge around getting Mr N's health card renewed, nothing is ever straight forward or easy here.

Ah well, another loads of washing is ready to hang out and then we have to go food shopping as they were too tired to go yesterday!!!

Hope the ailing ones are feeling better today!
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morning al...
al? who's al?... :)

Bitterly cold yet again, it's very depressing. It was snowing last night but apart from a frosting here and there it hasn't settled.

I'm pleased you had a lovely feasting time neti, just go easy and don't have any more accidents. Yes, I know my son was lucky but he needs to be careful now or he'll end up needing an op. I don't think he's calmed down yet, probably delayed shock. My mum had that after she broke her arm, she was fine for a few days and then wham! she went all gaga.

I went shopping with my sis yesterday despite really not feeling like it....beggars can't be choosers, when you're a non driver you have to go along with the offers when they're there. Came over a bit gaga myself a time or two but I soldiered on... bought a nice top and a pac-a-parka in Sains (shame they weren't selling pac-a-ski suits, that's what I need at the moment). I saw them last year and regretted not buying it'll probably be a drought this year.

Sorry about the colds/aches and pains etc...we all need a twilight home in a warm climate don't we?
I'm gonna be good for nowt today so I'm glad I've got an idle booger says it's beef... :)
Good morning all I can see you and post! Did everyone get an email from me yesterday? I think I have screwed up addresses again. Was going into town today but my knees are complaining after two days of loads of stairs and lugging junk so I am going to chug painkillers and rest today. I know resting helps because I get up every morning and they feel fixed and by lunchtime they are complaining again, so i am going to take my own advice.
Lovelydecorating Woofy. I've got a lovely clear page on hear not one ad. fantastic.
This is a quick post as I'm off out walking. Going to listen to Desert Island Discs on my way round and the programme after I know its funny but cant remember the name. It may be Just a Minute or something like that.
anyway hope you all had a cosy night. different to me I got up about 1.30 and put my really heavy duvet back on soooo cold and woke up to sleety nowy stuff. Have a good day...laters 'gaters.

Thanks Neti for the compliment but I can be selfish lots of times...x
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woo, that's lovely woofy, you've been very busy. I love the little drop leaf table...what prep do you do before painting? (light sanding? full stripping?)
very little. I wiped down with sugar soap wipes from amazon, then used a rustoleum primer spray that makes any paint stick, then two coats of satin emulsion,(wall paint) then stamped it with permanent stamping ink, then a coat of builder's pva glue, bought in a five litre container to seal. In all honesty, the finish isn't wonderfully durable. It will be fine for a bedroom or occasional use but i wouldn't eat my dinner off it every day The barley sugar legs on the table and the lost bits of veneer on the chest of drawers (spilt perfume in its past I guess) put me off doing a massive amount, also I am lazy.
Hello folks
AB seems to be chugging along again .I kept getting a warning yesterday and couldn't even get in via Google .The links said the site could harm my computer.I except it was caused by too much hot air in the News section :)
Cold and dreary here .
Thanks for the mail Woofy ..I did reply .It's really lovely .I love the seaside theme .
As old as they get Robinia you still worry about them .I hope he soon feels better and does as he's told !
Nothing doing at Shaneytowers otherwise .Take care all and keep warm .

afternoon all, glad we are all on here again.

Had a lovely day, did weekly shop, unpacked it all, one load of washing and ugg boots, then we went for a drive to sol d'en serra which is a very small and private inlet, beautiful, then a paella lunch with wine, and salad and ali oil and bread and various sweets to finish with, I have had a bath and washed my hair, now in bed, relaxing. Have found that toe behaves better in slightly higher heels, which seem to be rubbery, no pain!

Hope your son is feeling better Robi, tell him we are all watching him and he had better slow down!

Have a good afternoon folks x

Sol d'en Serra, the inlet is only a few metres long and a couple of feet wide.
Shaney I forgot to tell you. Countdown is on every afternoon at 2.40 to 3.30. Tomorrow and all week it is the Champion of Champions for the 30 years celebration.
Is there no "Blandings" tonight, I rather enjoyed it say what!!
woofy I didn't get an email, I saw it on FB! I have also lost most email addys through chopping and changing computers, I know it shouldn't make a difference but seems to .
Neti could you email me please then I will know I have your right addy?
woofy as I do not have your email, I'll message you on fb!
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Thanks for the kind words for Ozzy son. x

Well it's a good finish from here and doesn't look like a lazy woman's work woofy...

That's lovely neti, very peaceful. Blandings, say what? - it was the last one last week, you're out of luck I'm afraid ole girl but there's still Call the Midwife and Mr watsisname... Smelly fridge...Shelf itch...Frillsedge.

ok neti.
Robi, I am a huge fan of make paint stick to anything spray primer. You can even paint glass bottles with it.

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