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Lavender Oil

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Robinia | 14:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
1559 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.


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Baldwin's of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
18:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
You sound how I feel Lofty .Picky came over yesterday and took me to Lidl .
He's off to Reading soon on a long contract job so came to see if I wanted to stock up .
His car is so low slung and I had a job to get myself out of the seat .I get so fed with up with it .
I totter around the High Street and that's about it really . This cold weather does me no favours .I long for some warm weather .
I've gone down the pan lately with these arthritics and I really struggle sometimes .

Never mind Shaney. At least we can empathise with each other. I must admit it is really getting me down now. I feel about 90. I also feel really useless.

I have taken my Happy Pill and am off to bed shortly. I don't feel so bad when I am in bed and warm, except for my damn hips waking me up every now and then. I can hardly get down the stairs when I first get up in the morning. And I can't ever get to the phone in time these days - the answerphone always gets in before I get there.

Shall we pack our cases and head south to warm climes. We'll just booger off and leave everything!!
If we won the Lottery I would be off like a shot to warmer climes .
I sometimes have two hot water bottles on each hip !
No wonder I never heard that car crash up next doors wall ..when I've had a nightcap and 800mg .
I'm the same with the stairs .If you could see me taking a basket of clean laundry upstairs you would crack up .I lift it up step by step ..lift ,step ,lift step to the landing ,then I slide it along the floor and push it into the bedroom with my foot !
I force myself to do things and then suffer for it .I've always been of the try to keep moving brigade but it gets more and more difficult .
KBO Lofty ...KBO ..Oight Oight gal xx

Good morning biddies.

Oh poor shaney and lottie, how you suffer. Hope you are both feeling better today.

It's was no good staring at the balearics Robi, I was in Cataluna! Boy it was freezing there yesterday, and of course Mr N being the enthusiastic packer that he is, packed my spare jumper so I was a tad cold, so we got on a bus and just toured areas of Barcelona, which I enjoyed. Back home now and no one will get out of bed so no food shopping today. Glad to be back home with proper wifi. Cat went out and is now back soaking wet as it is raining, and she smells of wet!

We had a lovely lovely time and we needed the time together and we got on fine. I have blood tests early Mon morning so had better eat fish and salads til then. We have eaten and eaten our way round Barça as it is sooo cheap and good food. Breakfasts in the hotel were good, smoked salmon and champagne (well Cava actually) but I ate eggs and bacon as it was so nice. Yesterday I had 3 fried eggs and a load of bacon, toast, and cake!! What a pig!!! Toe was really bad yesterday so I padded it with cotton wipes and wore pop socks and uggs, but honestly my feet sweated and were not pleasant when I had to remove boots at airport.

Hija left her suitcase in the car boot from Wed night til last night, so I now have caseloads of washing to do, but need washing powder, and need the rain to stop!
Robi your son was luckilt to get away with only breaks, he could have lost his foot, I'll have a stare at him for you

stares long and hard at Perth oz, now behave dear boy!!

There, he's sorted now, hope he gets well soon. What a worry for his family too.
good morning all, so sorry to hear about the aches and breaks. I will stare at Oz too and threaten him with the dogs. My knees are still playing up but nothing in comparison to what you folk are suffering.
Soooo cold here me and the dogs cuddled up in a heap last night which was very nice.
Snow settled earlier this morning so Mr LL tells me (I have only just got up), but it is thawing slightly now. Glad you enjoyed Barcelona Neti. I really would like to go, but think Mr LL would have to push me round now. I am so bossy that I can imagine what would happen if he did t hat. He would do it with pleasure, but I would be back seat driving (or front chair driving?) and it would end up with verbal fireworks in the middle of the City and Mr LL might leave me abandoned!!!

Looking towards Oz for Robi, which has reminded me I still haven't phoned!!!

Hobbling off now to let next doors dogs out for a pee. J. is on day shift for 12.5 hours today. Coming back to try and have another go at sorting my LL only room upstairs. Everytime I try to progress, I end up with another heap of stuff to sort.

Shaney, I would shift to warmer climes too if we won the lottery, but only on a part time basis, say from November through until the end of March and I love April, May and June, Love September and October, and tolerate July and August. That would mean two properties! We have been invited to spend some time with my friend in Spain, but not 5 months, and besides it's cold where she lives in the winter up in the more mountainous region.

Off now, see you later peoples. xx
ps. Shaney laughed about your journeys upstairs. Mine are just the same. But I insist on trying to keep moving like you do, so don't leave stuff on the bottom step to take up when I have to go up. I cannot under any circumstances do steps without a handrail any more.
Freezing here at the moment, I went out on my own for a coffee and met my gay best male friend, so we had a natter and a laugh. Toe hardly hurts as I took Ibruprofen (should have done that in Barça!) Have started on the washing which I quite like!

Poor woofy, knee trouble, that can be so painful, hope you are feel

Off to catch up on the soapsing OK too.
ooops post went before I could rearrange the stupid thing, this computer is so sensitive.

Hope your knees are not hurting you too much woofy.

Off to catch up on the soaps!
Lottie, Mr N wanted to push me around in a wheelchair, and I just would not do it, as like you I liek to be in charge of myself. I like him to arrange our time, and tell me where we are off to, but if I do not agree then I am vociferous!!
"We do not stop playing because we get old,
We get old because we stop playing!!"
very true Neti :-)
I have a cold. Sore throat, head ache, shivers, sneezes. I thought it might happen this morning. Lottie is not happy. Second cold in a couple of months. I want summer........................... (Probably caught it in the medical centre!!). Shortly off to let next door doggies out for the second time, and then I might just tuck myself up in bed. I just can't get warm. Mr LL is cutting hedges - daft man!!
Hello Biddyfriends. I'm so sorry Lottie you're in such pain I really hope you get better soon. Here's me fretting about my cholesterol when you and Shaney have worse problems. I'm sorry again. And thanks to you both for your advice and encouragement. I'm really walking more than I was again now so I'm pleased about that and definitely not eating anymore huge TTD chroissantes from Sainsburys :)
This morning I went to see my young 'great niece' playing football (under 13s team) and they won 7 - 0, a bit more exciting than listening to theRams playing Watford and losing 1 - 2.
I've heard that the trip up the Shard is £26 - not sure if that's right. I bet Jno will put me right.
It was good to be out in the fresh air all wrapped up of course but now I'm back home and in for the rest of the day. I'm going to get all snug and warm and watch a bit of telly later.
Robi I hope your son gets better soon. It does sound a bad accident. I'm sure we're all wishing him well.
You love your food don't you Neti. I've never heard of some of the things you have and I'd love to try some. You sounded like you had a good time away.
Hi Woofy you can't beat being snug and warm can you!!
Have a goodnight all of you - see yer later 'gater(s)
Hello all
It's freezing cold and keeps sleeting on and off .
Sounds like you had a nice time Neti and that you feel better for having a break .
Hope all Biddies are ok .
Yes ..orf to bed with you Lofty in the warm .Hot lemon, honey and 400mgs :)
We're having tuna and green bean salad for dinner .Big mistake on a cold day but the beans need using up .I have just put some sausage rolls in the oven though for a hot snack .All I keep doing is eating in this cold weather.

Hi jude, you are one of the nicest people I know, always considering others! Sorry I am so self centred!!

Well woofy and I are going to sit and natter at the Shard and for £26 we'll have a lunch too, I've realised that there is no way I can do it!

It is the old bullring.

This is where we ate calçots right at the top and I could not look over even though it was well fenced in! And going inside was horrendous, all glass walkways and spiralling down, and then after they had lifted the orignal building, they made 4 floors below and I even felt dizzy there!
Sorry shaney, I didn't see you there, oh lovely and cosy bed, my room will be like an iceberg so am staying in front room, with Mr N snoring and hija watching TV and me, catching up on youtube!
Woofy is having probs on here, something about malware warnings, anyone else having probs?

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