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Lavender Oil

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Robinia | 14:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
1559 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.


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Baldwin's of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
18:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
woofy I'd love to know how you painted those black drawer handles and made them metallic, surely not just metallic paint?
its called gilding flakes Neti, huge fun.

This woman witters on and her technique is very wasteful but it will give you a general idea of what i mean. To do thinks like knobs, you daub the glue on the object then dip it in the flakes and rub off the excess.

I have done some shells that look very exotic, they are to decorate a mirror frame but i ran out of flakes so have to wait for some more to come mail order.
Morning all, up at 6am your time to have blood tests, I was no 4 in the queue, so very quick.

Rushed back home to bed with a cuppa to warm up as rather chilly at that time.

gilding flakes like gold flakes which you dabbled on willy nilly and it sticks everywhere?

Getting up again now, hija has unpacked her english suitcase so have to start in on her washing, I know she should do it but she is so cack handed she'll ruin the machine, and I love washing!

Hope you are all ok. Loved Midwife last night, doctor is so dishy!
Good morning all. Its still grey her but not so cold. Knees much better after a days rest so another easy day today.
Neti that lady is just making a mess. What you do is put the flakes in shallow plastic boxes and work in and over the box. So long as you don't sneeze it all stays quite tidy. Yes the flakes just go on randomly and make the colour shading. The colour mixes are beautiful. Basically yes, make sure the object isn't greasy, dab in glue, dab on flakes, rub off excess.
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Morning all...dark, damp & a real feel of minus 5C!

erm, 'that lady' woofy? Should there be a link, or is she just invisible to me? haha...thankfully I don't see any ads again today but what happened to all the username changes? I think I've noticed a couple but have the rest been abandoned? I don't want mine changing.

Yes, loved the Midwife and Mr S...what are we going to do on a Sundy night when they both end in two weeks?
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*Sundy? that's how us Nottm folks say Sunday :)
Hmm thought I had posted link.....

here it is again
Hello all
Another cold grey day .
Hope you are all Ok .Thanks for the Countdown info Jude .I must have been thinking of a different programme .I never watch Countdown .
That looks fun Woofy ,perhaps I can gussie up some of my tiaras :)
Watched Mr Selfridge and The Midwives too .
Mr Selfridge is getting very intriguing ..I wonder if they'll do a second series .
I want to know what happens to Miss Bunting and does Agnes get dumped by that charmer when his other ladyfriend comes back from America next week .I bet it ends on a cliffhanger .
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haha, I'm just imagining that gilding if I'd tried it when Charlie was here, he liked to stuff his snout into everything, he'd have had a shiny golden schnoz :)

shaney I know what happens to them...if you want to know I'll mail you :)

oooh yes please Robinia ..I have visions of Agnes getting herself pregnant by that charmeur and ending up on the streets or something .She seems so vulnerable ,what with the abusive father etc .
I did see on Wiki that there will be a second series to be aired next year .
It's fab ...Jeremy Piven is drop dead gorgeous and I love Mr Crabb.
Ron Cook is a brilliant character actor .
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It's on it's way shaney...ooh yes, Jeremy is a hunk...and joy of joys, I put the tele on when I got to bed last night and there was our other god, Clive owen, as Walter Raleigh in Elizabeth: the Golden Age. Oh my giddy aunt, that warmed me up! :)
Robi pretty please can you email me too I need to know! Ta x
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Done neti...hope you're both receiving me, yahoo keeps saying they're experiencing probs...haha, aren't we all?

Tears hair out.
Thanks Robi, not what I guessed at all!

Anyone here watching "Dancing on the Edge?" it's jolly good and a bit dark!

Toe is throbbing like a good 'un, and more swollen today, I blame Mr N taking us for a stupid walk to that stupid cove. Have pressure cooked a beef stew, with dumplings, lovely it was, hija polished it off like someone starving: Am washed up, bathed and in bed waiting for Corrie now.

What's up Lottie??
One in particular or all of them Lottie?
One in particular. All day long!! Trying to do some ppw which should be simple, and after all I have made my living doing admin, paperwork, tax returns, etc. etc. If he kept away and stop muddling the issue, it would all be done and dusted in 5 minutes.

Oight, oight.
Thanks Robinia ...very interesting ,not what I thought either .Poor Miss Bunting:(
We had toad in the hole with mash ,broccoli and gravy .I had one toad and most of the hole .Mr S ate the other toads as he's all that not keen on hole .
It's sooo bloody cold here ,I'm off to bed with two hotties and a wheat pack for me neck .

Oight Oight folks ,sleep toight ,keep warm .
But Lottie, then he wouldn't have "helped" lol. I had Marks dine in curry for dinner. It was okay but I wouldn't bother again.
Out early tomorrow was its only going to be minus 2. Oight oight all.
Hi all I'm a bit late saying goodnight. I've had a day out in Leicester with my 2 sisters and 1 second cousin and another cousin once removed!!
I caught the Sky Bus and joined 'Fuschia' and 'she who lives for the moment' who had got on the bus stop before me then 'SC' got on at Kegworth then 'COR' met us in Leicester as she lives in Market Harborough and it was easier for her as her Man friend lives in Leicester and she is 80 odd so we thought it not such a long way for her. Did you get all that I hope so cos I wont say it again!!!
We went to a Wetherspoons which was quite quiet surprisingly. We got there about 11.30 and left at 3.15 this afto so there we were 5 of us eating drinking and nattering away. I had a lovely Veggie Pesto Pasta. Mind you I'm eating out again tomorrow with Tai Chi friends but we're only going to a local country pub we're not been to for a while.
You're so 'crafty' Woofy. Wish I could do things like that but I don't have the patience or the 'gift'.
Neti you have a rest you really do get out and about more than me. You wear me out just thinking about what you do and if you don't rest your foot wont get better quickly.
Lotty and Shaney I hope you're feeling ok. And Jno hope you still having fun!
Since I've been in I've had problems getting emails (again) so I rang Orange again and ended up having a man in India going remote (again) on my lap top so fingers crossed it's ok this time.

Right that's it for now so Oight Oight everybody. I'm off to bed. Heating's just gone off so see yer later 'gater(s)

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