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Lavender Oil

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Robinia | 14:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
1559 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.


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Baldwin's of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
18:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
Well if that was feels like minus two, I am glad I didn't go when it was feels like minus 7. We all had a bit of a potter (dogs at a run, me not) and came home cold and glowing. The boys are back asleep and I will be soon.
I love to make and change things but I am impatient to see results so I bodge. Mostly it works well and if it doesn't you try again. We are all good with our hands. Mum was a sewer and knitter and Dad used to make us toys.
anyway laters all.
Jude you must live near my Sis. Leicester is her nearest city.
Morning, just having 2nd brekkie as was up early to renew Mr N's health card. I am also crafty but not like woofy, I make my own duvet covers and curtains etc, and used to make a lot of my own clothes by hand as I hated sewing machines. Used to make hija little t shirts and leggings out of my t shirts, I can fix zips but just cannot put in new ones. My dad was a master tailor and made our clothes forall 7 of us) and he made wooden toys but also bought matching dresses for the girls, mum was a knitter and a smocker. I like electrical fixings and banging nails into things. not always to the good But will not give up once I have started something!

Wow jude you are everywhere, wish I lived near you so I could gallivant with you!

Really chilly today so wore my old afghan coat but felt a bit of a tit so have changed it.
I will say this only once : IS ANYONE WATCHING DANCING ON THE EDGE?? I know it finished but haven't seen it yet??

Off out again to meet friends for coffee, my boots with a ligt heel from Shoefare are the most comfy for my toe, they seem to be rubber souled (Ah the Beatles!!) Right off I go, laters>>>>>>

No, didn't fancy Dancing on the Edge, cant get into Mr Selfridge either. I am desperate to start leaping up and doing stuff again but knees say no so I am going to be sensible for one day more.
My big favourite at the moment is Bluebloods with Tom Selleck.
Good Morning all. Neti I doubt you would like to live here after where you are living!! But it would be nice to have a getogether.
Woofy The Sky bus takes about 1½ hours to Leicester it goes through about 3 places and East Midlands Airport to get there. But it was free as we all had our passes so it was worth it. Tai Chi friends today on a pub close by.
The villages/towns near by are Kegworth, Loughborough, Hathern. You sister may live on the other side Woofy. I'll send you an email.
Right I'm off now so I'll see yer later 'gater(s)
Heck it is cold here, I swapped my afghan for a faux sheepskin jacket, warm enough but not long enough. Am making meatballs and spaghetti for dinner.
I love Mr Selfridge and now look forward to the ending. That follw up to Marchlands sounds interesting starting on Wed.
Hello folks .
Hope you are all Ok .Another cold grey day .
Nothing doing .
I haven't watched Dancing on the Edge Neti .
I'm ploughing through The Sopranos atm .I know it's a bit violent in parts but they are such a dysfunctional family and some of it is really amusing .
I watched Hospital Food this morning Woofy .He's got a job on his hands there .They don't seem to know what they are doing .Portion control and dietary needs seem to have gone out the window.The patients must all be living on custard :)
Oh shaney, toad-in-the-hole, lovely, I also like the hole, but it must surely be fattening, think I'll make one this week. I like it with mash and baked beans (not that I have any beans! :-( )
It is fattening Neti but I don't care in this cold weather .I need rib stickers :)
I can eat salad all summer .. hopefully we'll get one this year .
Fish pie and peas for us tonight .
Don't much like salads :-( but will eat them if it has goat's cheese or something nice and tasty on it!

Can you tell me the recipe for fish pie please, not a lot of choice of fish here, but any white fish.
Just a plain pie really Neti .
I get the fish on the market ,a mixture of salmon ,cod,haddock ,chopped into chunks . Then I make a bechamel sauce ,season with parsley and black pepper and a squirt of lemon juice ,bung the fish in it ,add a some prawns ,cook it gently for a few mins then bung it all in a dish ,cool a bit ,then add some chopped hard boiled eggs . Top with cheesey mash ,then sprinkle some more grated cheese and breadcrumbs on the top,bake in the oven until the top is golden brown and serve with peas .
I am off to tea with Shaney. Take the eggs out of my portion please!!!!

I am about, but computer has been busy today.

Now going to cook a good old cottage pie (with no hardboiled eggs in it)!!

Haven't caught up.

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Bonsoir...where did the day go? It didn't even seem like 'day' it was soooo dark and it's been too cold and draughty in this corner to sit at the puta.

Just a small toad and plenty of hole for me, no broccoli tho (sweetheart cabbage would be nice) and a mountain of mash surrounded by a sea of gravy please..thank you...very much :)

I tried watching Dancing on the Edge but didn't like it.
It was very naice but I have half left over now .I can't get out of the habit of cooking for the five thousand .
I expect it'll keep in the fridge as we've got ham hock soup tomorrow .
Do you think it'll keep for Thursdays dinner ? As I want a quick tea 'cos I'm going to see Anna Karenina at the library with my SiL .
I don't want to poison Mr S :)
Thanks for that shaney, one fish pie coming to Ibiza soon! Sounds absolutely delicious!!!

Meatballs were nice, went down a treat and Mr N came home with one of those Carte d'or ice cream cakes for desert. I asked if he got it cheap and he said not htis time!

I still make too much food and we eat it the next day, but fish 2 days later, not sure. When I make cous cous Mr N has it for 4 days, cos it's silly to make a small amount!!
Time for bed ,book and bottle ,hot water bottle that is not booze :)
Oight Oight ,sleep toight .
Oight oight all.
morning all, its still cold here (groundhog day or what?)
Luxury, am still in bed, but it feels chilly although the sun is shining. Not much planned for today, coffee as per usual, would love to go for a long walk in the fresh air but toe is still very swollen and sore.

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