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Lavender Oil

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Robinia | 14:12 Mon 19th Nov 2012 | Shopping & Style
1559 Answers
Can anyone recommend a good lavender oil please? I've bought them in the past and they just didn't smell right somehow. It's mainly for refreshing wheat packs, pillows etc.


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Baldwin's of the Walworth Rd in London ( not far from the Elephant and Castle) are true herbalists and do a postal service. They will make it clear whether they are selling the true flower oil or artificial versions.
By the way, they sell wonderful Pot Pourri oils and lots of other perfume oils.
18:06 Mon 19th Nov 2012
Thanks Lottie. Cyber hugs a re good too but I know exactly what you mean. I'll go and have a look on your recent posts now :)
Have a good time with your friend. I'm meeting another one of mine tomorrow. My R & R one who married a few years ago. She only lives over the road but we rarely get time to go out anywhere.
Fireworks!!! bloody blooming effing fireworks....
Oh dear Woofy. We don't seem to get them in these parts. I would hear them in the distance or see them if we did. Must be customary in the New Forest. Not good for you and your dawgies. Hope you manage to get some sleep.
The cruise ships have them as they leave southampton. As the crow flies we are no more than five minutes away and my back garden faces the port directly with only a couple of houses then fields in between.
Ah, that explains it!!

We hear them on the race course on occasions, for example at the Harley Davison Eastern Region Annual Rally. The Race Course, I should explain, also has a touring caravan site. Horses don't particularly like fireworks!!!
That is only five minutes away by road or crow!!

Oight oight.

I have just sent an email to my beloved with an idea for next years holiday -should we come into some money

Canal du Midi

Well, he said it was something he would like to do!!
my ex-travel agent friend and her sailor are planning to do one of those, Lottie; they fancy France too and she says they're the best. Give them my regards if you're in the next cabin.
If I get to go, it will just be as the cleaner!!!

How's it going jno!!! It's turned really cold again in good old Blighty!!!

One can dream!!!

and this is more likely

Oight, oight, Biddies everywhere xx
this is one of the beaches around here... we've been for a stroll along it a couple of times, though not actually in for a swim yet

That's a volcano island in the background - last went up about 1066, I think.
Hello all, has taken me ages to connect to the hotel's wifi. Having a lovely time here, walked round Barca for ages with oH and hija yesterday, saw lots of different things, toe went through the pain barrier but fat and swollen today. Took hija to airport last evening at 6.30 waiting for the bus and there was a demonstration against cuts, and we had to rush to metro and then a train to get her there in time but we made it and she is now home looking after a distinctly annoyed at being left out for a day cat! 260 flights were cancelled cos of the strike, so we were lucky.

We are having calcots (pronounced calsots) for lunch, they are like an onion and leek and we have them with romansco sauce, yum can't wait!

We catch up hopefully later, hope you are all well xx
Where are you all? Have been ougt and about again and had another lunch with wine, so cheap and good here. Calcots tonight Just eaten duck again, delicious here.
Evening all. I've had a busy day housework and eating out. I went with my R&R friend and we were together 3½ hours eating drinking and talking. Great afternoon. Then I had a problem with emails..not going!! So I rang and got this lady in India. We got together on my lap-top with my permission of course and she showed me literally what to do. Her cursor was shooting round my screen like nobody's business I had to ask here to slow down :):)..anyway it got done thankfully.
Now I'm going to have some toast cos I'm hungry again.
I'm pleased your having a good time Neti.
Great photos Lottie and I hope you win the Lottery then you can go one of those holidays.
I'm really going now. Have a goodnight Biddyfriends everywhere. See yer later 'gater(s)
glad you enjoyed your virtual trip to India, Jude.

I am getting reports of malicious attacks on my sis's PC when I get on to AB, so I have notified their techies but I think I will go away for a while. The reports referred to something called silverdisc, which I presume is one of the AB ads.
Hello all. usual sort of day here. More sorting, more tidying, more rubbish. Spare room is FINISHED except for new posh curtains made from this.

I have to prewash the fabric first in case it shrinks then get my courage up to cut it.

I know its only one room but I feel so proud of myself and Sis. Pictures soon.

I love that barge holiday except for the on deck jacuzzis and the push bikes!!
Its going to feel like -7 in the morning so I have decided not to take the dogs out early so I am having an extra glass of wine tonight.
jno, silverdisc always comes up at the bottom when I am opening ab, NEVER HAD ANY TROUBLE WITH IT MYSELF. sorry not shouting cant be bothered to redo it. Just had our calcots, Mr N liked them very much, then lamb, butifara and white butifara catalan sausage, and crema catalana, Foot killing me, in bed now, Home tomorrow night! Mr N and I have had a super time but being together 24/7 just would not do!!!
neti, I don't get any ads on AB on my PC at home for reasons it would be treason to mention, but my sis has no such protection. What is silverdisc, is it an ad or what? I can't actually see any sign of it, her Norton just keeps blocking it and talking about Malicious Image Requests.

I should probably just go out and enjoy the sun but I am transcribing my mother's war diary, which we have just found in the bottom of a trunk. The only fighting she seems to have seen is when two swains got into a squabble over who should get the next dance with her. (One of them was coloured and Mum, who had no racial prejudice whatever, was outraged that the other one should object.)
Good morning all.

Last day here, off to Parc Guell if not raining!! Having hugh brekkies here in hotel, so much to choose from, then lunch somewhere the dinner and then fly home. Am fed up with eating, even though we walk miles I am sure I will put on weight!

Robi sorry to hear about your son in Oz, it must be such a worry for you, and also hope you are feeling better.

Where's shaney, hope she is OK? xx

Not sure i can do the Shard as was in a multistorey arena last night and it was so high at one point I fell to my knees and Mr N had to hold my hand all the way to the ground floor!
Neti, I don't like heights either, we'll have coffee and gossip and let the mountaineers do it.
We are up now and its still cold, forecast says it feels like minus 3 and I believe it.
Shaney, I hope you are ok

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