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Is paedophilia becoming acceptable on here?

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legend758duo | 14:33 Tue 19th Jun 2007 | Society & Culture
103 Answers
Im posting this in response to some of the answers ive received about the arrests and convictions of the people behind the pedo ring in england.I said 700 others are guilty but im told they may be innocent.Or worse that its just market forces!!!!! Ive condoned torture of paedophiles in another post to get the information needed and any other info they might have too. Im sure in the case of ian huntly that a bit of electrocution wouldve helped him confess alot earlier.So hed have suffered but would that hurt as much as those two wee girls parents hurt whilst waiting to find out about them? Im sorry but the things those guys did and the videos they swapped were evil and i think anyone taking part in swapping them or even in condoning or at worst trying to excuse their behaviour is out of order.

I cant belieev that folk can even argue the point .
Im disgusted and disappointed.


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Personally I'd want to kill the person slowly and painfully but I wouldn't hide that sentiment behind a justification for torture.

And be careful of the hypothesis you put forwards, you have no idea whether anyone on here has or has not in fact been in that situation with a family member.

No, I wouldn't want them tortured for all the reasons I've previously stated. I want any information out of them to be as truthful and accurate as possible and not the ramblings of someone in pain who will say anything to make it stop.
as i said last night, i believe (rightly or wrongly) you can either say torture is acceptable, or not not "its acceptable in this or that situation", because everyone would have their own this or that situations. You would get maybe, christians saying " well, its ok to torture people if they are muslims" or protestants saying "well its ok to torture someone as long as they are catholic"
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to say i was annoyed wasnt because it was moved to the correct section as i said crap on here about fancying a guy in the office stays aroubnd as long as daft wee girls answer it .
it apppears accepted.
as for getting annoyed about the pedo thing.
posts were put on body and soul last night from infun that i was one of the 700 pedos etc etc.
childish and straight up wardys street.
i do not find it however funny to accuse someone of being a paedophile in an attempt at you:
i do however find it sklightly discomforting that some folk were saying it was market forces and seeming to condone what they say.
theres a difference between finding paedophilia a source of humour and saying people are seeming sympathetic and more towards favouring it.
or do you disagree??
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very fine point octavius.
tho very dated .
i wonder did umberto say anything about paedophiles ?
do you think his opinion would have been any different if asked for an opinion about them?
would he have a conflict of interest being a philosopher and a catholic.
how would he stand on say catholic priest paedophilic acts?
or didnt he like to think about that'
flipping hell legend, your post about a guy where you work fancying you is still here, so why shouldn't everyone elses be?
Or is it that because it's yours its ok?

Again, you completely weaken your arguement by being totally hypocritcal!
If someone did that to a family member, yes I would want to kill them. Could I be restrained from doing it if I was locked in a room? Who knows. Quite frankly though, I don't see why it's relevant. Where are we going to be if we base our rules for society on the the immediate emotional fallout after a terrible crime?
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actually there are no guys at my work.
tthat was a satirical post a copy of a girls post about guys in her office.
it was posted to see if it would be removed but one about guys remain.
some saw it for what it was.
others missed the point completely.

like yourself.
obviously not as smart as you think.
gotta go work.
talk later.

adios x
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nick let them do as they please then??
you decide

Sorry Legend but you are too random.

The case suggests that there was a market for such abominable material, in that it is believed membership totalled in excess of 700 people, at least 200 of which were UK residents and two of which ran the web site.

Yes it is wrong, yes it is immoral and mostly tragic and no we should not advocate paedophilia for purposes of humour. We get it.

I just can�t be doing with the profligacy of debating an issue and you throwing in haphazard comments about other members of the site and their questions. Please can you decide exactly what you wish to debate as part of this thread.

Torture, paedophilia, Wardminters humour or the fascination Rubyrose has with her married colleague?

By the way, just how dated do you think Umberto Eco is�?
thank god for that! i can get back to my normal state of "slightly annoyed" rather than "jolly annoyed"
Isn't paedophilia the strong desire of a basically sick person who cannot help this? Haven't we always had these people around us but they are now provided for and encouraged by the internet? How many curious men access these sites now due to publicity from cases such as yesterdays? Sick people needing treatment like all sick people. When convicted they are treated as well as punished I assume. But how do you treat the hidden ones? This is what is truly horrific, those we dont know about until its too late. Anyone not a paedophile, who is a parent, who is 'living in the 'normal' world, wants these sickening people stopped and punished, but must we relinquish OUR humanity by asking for torture and execution?

It may surprise Legend and supporters that I have said this, as our family is just one who lost a child through sexual assault and murder. The young man responsible received a so called life sentence and is now amongst us again. Is he still a danger? Let us hope and pray not.
Octavius' quote is quite right. Torture does not work. You mention torturing Ian Huntley, thus obtaining an earlier confession. The problem with torture is that you would likely obtain a confession whether he was guilty or not. The police, in any enquiry of this nature, are given much information as to possible suspects. Some of this information is genuinely given and quite plausible but turns out to be a false lead. Torture them and you could end up with a number of wrong confessions whilst the real offender is still free to offend again.
I guess that because I hold the opinion that paedophiles are mentally ill and need help, therefore 'excusing them' and as I wouldn't want anyone who sexually abused my kids tortured..I am to believe that I am a closet paedo myself.

so basically you are suggesting that some members here condone pedophilia simply because they dont quite agree with you?
legend, I dont think for one minute you're obsessed. Angry yes and rightly so. We all know paedo's have been around since time began but thanks to the media people are more aware of it now than ever before. Thing is, torturing a suspect who could turn out to be innocent is not the ideal thing to do. I often wonder about these "Truth Drugs" why cant they be used on suspects? Or even "Regression Hypnotherapy"? Like you and many others, I only have to see or read about yet another paedo and my blood boils. To quote the words of John Malcovitch on child murderer's " I could quite happily pull the switch whilst tucking into a good steak".
not sure who I'd least like to meet, a paedophile or a torturer. I would think both had deep-seated mental issues, possibly related to childhood experience.
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