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Is paedophilia becoming acceptable on here?

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legend758duo | 14:33 Tue 19th Jun 2007 | Society & Culture
103 Answers
Im posting this in response to some of the answers ive received about the arrests and convictions of the people behind the pedo ring in england.I said 700 others are guilty but im told they may be innocent.Or worse that its just market forces!!!!! Ive condoned torture of paedophiles in another post to get the information needed and any other info they might have too. Im sure in the case of ian huntly that a bit of electrocution wouldve helped him confess alot earlier.So hed have suffered but would that hurt as much as those two wee girls parents hurt whilst waiting to find out about them? Im sorry but the things those guys did and the videos they swapped were evil and i think anyone taking part in swapping them or even in condoning or at worst trying to excuse their behaviour is out of order.

I cant belieev that folk can even argue the point .
Im disgusted and disappointed.


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legend whatever no currently in use

We punish criminals for reasons of revenge; protection of our society; reforming the criminal; or deterring others.

Sexual abuse of a child is an act of violence and should be abhorred. However hanging and or castration are also acts of violence, to me also abhorrent. I consider all acts of violence should be avoided, so I would never condone responding to violence with violence. Although I have been known to be verbally aggressive.

To me protection and reforming are the most important issues, personally I really doubt the value of deterrent, I think we act the way we do because of our own moral guide or deontic logic not because if we were caught etc. So I think those who are a risk to society should be made safe through prison. I think we should virtually empty the prisons of most prisoners and only hold the violent ones and for some that will be for the rest of their life.

Revenge. well I think this is the least civilized response and one, we should work on to avoid. In my opinion, only those personally affected such as the victim have any right, if even they do.

I have got loads more to say but have to go know, will carry on later
legend of many numbers

You get right up my nose as the expression goes because you have never provided any information to suggest that these issues touch you personally, yet you behave as if you have a monopoly on outrage and disgust. I feel almost incandescent rage with your arrogant position you seem to adopt, of being the righteous and moral guide on this site.

Just because others do not spew illiterate drivel at the rate you do, does not mean that others do not have a grave and deep concern. However these people do not need or seek an audience constantly, I can only assume you are a person greatly lacking in confidence that if you do not make a noise no one will notice you.
ruby stooping to personall insults??
and you thought so much better of yourself didnt you?
ok acts of violence.
i will concede to i will opt for lethal injections for paedos.
painless,100% efficient.
btw to have an opinion you dont need to provide personal info,or to have been touched by the issue either.
i care.
but for the innocent.
not the guilty.
jack the hat( criminal murdered by the kray twins???)
anyway the mother got 12 years.
not near enough.
im sorry you seem to be so offended by my views.
i have said what i honestly think.
and i try to ignore the personal insults i get without retaliating.
tho im only human and ruby can come across as a bit of a school teacher.
100 lines for legednd eh?

so injections for paedos??
lethal of course.
ok jack ,jno, ruby , go here read chompus post.
think about it.
then tell me if 14 years , 7 with good behaviour.
and lets face it how can a paedo misbehave surrounded by male adults???
is that your idea of a fair sentence.
as its the courts one?

lethal injection sounds a lot fairer uestion423348.html#top
Legend 007 licsence to kill

What is your understanding of the nurture nature debate when understanding human behaviour. I look forward to your response.

Research in this country and the USA, demonstrates overwhelmingly that those who perpetrate acts of sexual abuse, particularly pre pubescent, are in themselves victims of abuse, inclusive of physical, sexual, neglect and emotional.

No research shows that children who have been well cared for ie loved and nurtured become abusers, so it seems unlikely it is a genetic factor.

It is widely recognized that many victims of single or multiple factors of abuse do not go on to be abusers. Why are some more resilient than others? We are not absolutely sure.

sorry there more didn't want to risk the curtail
There is no evidence that children who are loved and cherished grow up to become abusers. So if we have systems in place to care for our, I mean this in the widest sense, children we will do much to reduce the likelihood of sexual abuse at the level of pedophilia (post pubescent is a whole new ball game and in my opinion more closely tied to patriarchy than deviance). Personally a bit of human milk and kindness seems a bit more palatable as well as effective than hang em.
So the behavior is learnt and can be unlearned, CBT, is probably the most effective therapeutic input to help people change the way they respond sexually to stimulus. Raywireassociates, who are brave enough to work with offenders in their mission to protect children would probably give you the best info on what works, what doesn�t and when there is no point even trying, just lock um up

Why do some victims of abuse go on to abuse when the majority does not � big debate which I am not going to enter into at present. See later chapters.

sorry i think we waste too much time and money on them.
did you read chompus post?
whats your opinion on the sentence please?
that man will get bed and board for at least 7 years.
then as a 60 year old be out again.
at a massive cost to the country.

how much for 1 injection??
Legend well this is worrying I am spending more time here with you than I am with my mother.
Personal insults. True you have not used them in respect of me. When you described my appreciation of Octavius wit as a sexual act, one of servile and ubiquitous gratification, although your intention appeared to be one of derision, you so little knew that this was my ultimate object. As long as O has had a recent bowel movement and used the bidet, my tongue is in there. Oh oh oh my god I have just come!

understood this as a
it appears you realise youre losing the arguement.

and still no view on sentencing of man in chompus post?????

your mother must be so proud of you.

and oc too.
very funny reg.

glad i amuse you : 0))))
who is reg,
sorry for no longer answer taking the dog for a walk
your mantle of respectability is slipping.

and you had such great plans for yourself too.

still no answer on chompus post.

i say injections

on a mass scale.
economically viable and sensible.
-- answer removed --
Legend p?nodeId=181429&command=displayContent&sourceN ode=229968&home=yes&more_nodeId1=133174&conten tPK=17641785
Link to the article I was refering to in case any one doubts its validity. I did make a comment earlier giving my reasons that I disagree with torture. I do think that sentencing generally is far too soft in this country. I can't say whether I'm sure that capital punishment is the way forward because that debate is wider than just child abuse.
I do admire your strong moral stance on many issues e.g drugs, the McCanns etc which usually coincide with my opinions, even if I sometimes disagree with your solutions.
I don't think human nature changes over the years. What does change is the way society deals with it. Consequently I think that we seem to have more paedophiles now because there is much less fear of the punishment they will receive thus maybe tempting some to offend wheras in the past they may not have given into temptation. The much easier availability of child pornography I'm sure doesn't help.
my god.started when he was 19 assaulting little kids

yet not serious enough for life sentence.

i hope ruby27,jno,and octavius read this.
i would like to hear their views.
And there's more. I'm sorry Ruby but I always seem to be disagreeing with you. I know you have worked with child abuse over many years. I have too by arresting the offenders. In the preparation of court files we had to prepare a background check, for all types of criminal offence not just child abuse, and I have dealt with offenders who have come from good backgrounds and no doubt other police officers would probably say the same.
Yes, I agree many abusers have been abused themselves in early life but the many types of abuse you quote are very easy to allege, when you are older, but difficult to prove e.g emotional abuse. Someone accused of a very serious offence will look for an excuse tto explain their behaviour.
The sort of survey you are quoting, it would be interesting to know whose work you are refering to, is drawn from sociology, not an exact science by any degree.
For instance if those type of surveys are correct why do we not get far more female offenders because young girls are much more likely to be abused than males.
I meant sexually abused in the last paragraph
careful chompu.
your sounding rational.
and not as emtional as me.they wont like that.

good points tho.
im sorry but i feel drastic action should be taken.
buy a fleet of mobile execution vans.when theyre found guilty in court lead them outside and finish them off.
end result they dont reoffend.

lokk a jonathan king and gary glitter.
even after jail profiting thru tv and music and carrying on .
they should be dead.
Did you read the readers comments below the article. A few there agreeing with your viewpoint on hanging.
I reckon we could form a good cop/ bad cop team. I'll leave you to work out which one you're going to be!
Hi Chompu
yes once more into the battle
I assume you are a police officer who has not specialised in child protection. Not sure what terms are used as only recently used to working with polis in Northants. We have the CPU
Yes we have more known offenders, but that is not difficult. How many TWOC's did we have before cars! stats, stats and downright lies
We have been killing, abusing since time immemorial have we not. The only way forward in my view is women, women only, as statiscally we commit less crimes than men. Immediate death to men, crimes almost would be solved!!!

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