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A Talking Donkey!

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Zacs-Master | 18:40 Sun 13th Oct 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
51 Answers
Why didn't someone inform me in Sunday school (yes, I did go) that there was a talking donkey in the bible?
I would have walked out there and then.


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// I would have walked out there and then. //

You're kidding. I probably would have kept going if I'd known about the talking donkey.
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You could have had my place Ludwig.
I went to Sunday school and never heard about a talking donkey............does that belong to the Quakers?
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It might not have happened when you were at Sunday school craft.
// You could have had my place Ludwig. //

I got expelled anyway - well, asked not to come back for being too disruptive, which I suppose is the Sunday school equivalent, so I never actually had the choice.
The talking donkey might have made me pay attention though.
I loved Sunday school, did you collect the stamps with the biblical scenes?
See here:
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I remember drawing pictures of Bethlehem houses & making those straw swords.
Ratter, go away you are a non-believer, Sunday school was lush.
bet the donkey only ever said "gottle of geer"
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Apart from the conspiracy to keep the story with the talking donkey away from us craft!
Well okay Zacs, all my stories were warm and nice, bugger all to do with talking donkeys.
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Not so miraculous. I can remember Mr Ed , the talking horse, and he was on TV.

But why this miracle ? There are plenty of others which are less credible, but this one is just the kind that would appeal to children; they are used to animals who talk, from the Alice stories to Disney
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I was quite astute as a child (what happened, you may ask) and if they had told me that a donkey had suddenly started berating its owner I think I would have said OK, you just blew the whole religion thing for me. Bye.
Skippy was a no no.....
My mates and I went to Sunday School to walk through the town on the annual "Walking Day". Dressed in our best togs we scrambled in the gutter for pennies thrown by the watching crowds. For this chance to acquire riches we would have believed anything. Dont remember the donkey bit though.
Balem was a ventriloquist. He talked through his @ss.
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Ah, joke already made Sandy. By jno.
Craft,"Ratter, go away you are a non-believer, Sunday school was lush." I agree, I loved Sunday school until I found out about girls etc. I got numerous awards for good attendance etc, I even played in the Salvation Army band :-)

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