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A Talking Donkey!

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Zacs-Master | 18:40 Sun 13th Oct 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
51 Answers
Why didn't someone inform me in Sunday school (yes, I did go) that there was a talking donkey in the bible?
I would have walked out there and then.


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Ratter, what did you play? Hooky? ;o)
I belonged to the Salvation Army as well...........I represented them at table tennis!
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My MIL is in the Sally Army!
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N babes, what's your 'take' on the talking donkey?
Zacs, About the same as the Koran’s claim that the newly-born Jesus spoke. ;o)

I used to belong to the Sally Ann. Great organisation - apart from the religion. :o)
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Talking people is one thing (with the brain function and vocal physicality to make it happen). A donkey is quite another. You can just image them writing it:
"Well, I think you pulled it off with the talking baby, mate, can you just push it that bit further?"
"What with?"
"Ohhhh, I about a donkey"
Come to think of it, we were sent to Sunday school so that our parents could engage in amorous dalliance after Sunday lunch. Who then were the donkeys?
Don't forget the snake got there first. Like Disneyland really. ;o)
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I'm afraid I'm not that scholarly when it comes to the chronology of vocally enabled bible creatures
Lol Naomi, I actually played 1st cornet, the whole Salvation Army band of about 20 were all family members, my sister is still band leader.
There was a young curate of Kew,
Who kept a Tom cat in a pew
He taught it to speak
Alphabetical Greek
But it never got further than Mu!

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A Talking Donkey!

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