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Ashes Live Thread

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sunny-dave | 10:17 Wed 10th Jul 2013 | Sport
229 Answers
Yes, it will contain spoilers - so look away now if you are waiting for the highlights programme.


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Exciting though innit?
13:27 Sun 14th Jul 2013
Oh my Gog... is this out?
Drama here, maybe a hot spot shout?
Looks out according to the TMS guys....
Appeal... out!!! Anderson does it! Never in doubt.

1-0 England
Is there a snicko?
It's OUT! Andy Jimmy gets his 10 which eclipses Bell for me, just.
oh well £20 lost but who cares
well a 14 run win.......Anderson for MoW I hope, 10 wickets is a pretty good haul any day.
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42" HD here - definitely a white spot & an audible snick too - strewwttthhhh :)
Is that a major anti-climax? Somehow, it just doesn't seem comfortable. They have to sort out this DRS.
Not the finish I would have liked but what a wonderful match.
Thanks Dave for posting and everyone for your interesting input....xx
What's to sort out? The Aussies need to learn how to use their reviews better.
Well done England, but why did you make it so difficult ?

Also well done Australia, you played brilliantly.
Drama of epic proportions from 2 magnificent teams, and that was only the 1st Test! Can we take any more like that?
Well played guys, better luck for us next time, least we made it interesting !!
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Astonishingly good match - almost as good as a 0-0 draw at Bury on a wet Wednesday evening in November ( © joeluke 2013 )
Worth staying up for Seeker? :-)

Dave...I just couldn't take the excitement of a 0-0 draw...;-) x
Another Freddie/Brett Lee moment as Prior shakes the hands of the Aussie batsmen as the other 10 England players celebrate.
seekeerz they played very well

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