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Ashes Live Thread

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sunny-dave | 10:17 Wed 10th Jul 2013 | Sport
229 Answers
Yes, it will contain spoilers - so look away now if you are waiting for the highlights programme.


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Exciting though innit?
13:27 Sun 14th Jul 2013
How many times as Prior appealed today? The appealing by him and gesticulating by Swann have long been a switch off for me.
Little to report, 6 added to the overnight total and the new ball due shortly. Should provide fireworks.
Haddin smashes one, doesn't get it all but it still runs for 4. Agar looking more comfortable too. Shades of 2005?
New ball must be taken, surely?
Agar cuts one fine to 3rd man and it breaches the rope.
New ball taken....and an appeal! Nothing doing though. Squeaky bum time for Agar!
Agar cuts Anderson to 3rd man but Cook has a man there now so it's just a single. Oz move to 192. I doubt they're looking at the scoreboard, instead in relaxed one-day mode i.e. knocking them off in 10's.
Maiden from Broad, almost teased a tickle from Agar with the last ball.
Haddin playing his shots and knocks one over mid-on for a 2. Confidence increasing by the minute.
200 up -- Haddin smacks a four.
Massive psychological boost for the Aussies as they reach 200, won't be long before they require less than 100, need something creative from England now.
Agar smears a loose one from Broad through the covers, 4 more.
C'mon England, get a grip!
New ball a couple of overs old and England are reduced to using only 1 slip.
Cook sweating a bit?
-- answer removed --
Breakthrough! Agar goes to a great catch from Cook! Who needs more than one slip anyway?
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That was a long hour ...
Agreed SD, felt like 2!
And that's drinks......for me, not the players. A local 2008 vin rouge with some roquefort. Will have to eat on the terrace as son detests the smell. He'll appreciate it in about 30 years time....
And another!
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Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy :-)

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