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sunny-dave | 10:17 Wed 10th Jul 2013 | Sport
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Exciting though innit?
13:27 Sun 14th Jul 2013
Keep up the good work, dave, it's lovely to get updates like this
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Still teetering ... 230-6 at Tea - 165 ahead. Bairstow gets a good one from The Kid, Bell saved by DRS, Prior (again) caught going for glory shot

Need to scrape another 100 runs from somewhere ... pass the Pimms :+)
Yepp dave...i do think another 100 is needed and i feel with Broad and Bell still in..........match on a knife edge.
Up to 286-6 as I type so there's a lead of 221. Can Bell reach a much-needed century?
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Shocking howler from Aleem Dar - but aussies had wasted their DRS on a couple of silly ones.
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326-6 at the close - lead of 261

England win last session pretty convincingly - is 261 already enough?

... possibly, but being a greedy pom I'd like another 50 or so tomorrow morning.

Really good knock from Ian Bell - hope he gets to his 100 first thing and then motors on for another hour or so.

A great test match so far and it all starts again tomorrow at 11am - don't be late :+)
All the furore over Broad is laughable. As Sir Geoffrey of Boycott says, apart from Gilly how many times have you seen an Aussie walk in similar circumstances?
I've read Nasser Hussain's book and as he always said: It's not my job to walk, that's for the umpire to decide. Right or wrong these happen in every series and invariably even themselves out, as with Agar and Trott yesterday.
Fascinating weekend in prospect and Swann ought to prove decisive.
Just gutted I can't watch Ch 5 or 5 On Demand in the South of France!
Just think chill South of France preferable than listening to a boring former England captains boring commentary.
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Either I dozed off for his stints (quite possible) or Nasser has been on the naughty step in the Sky box today.

TMS seems a bit below par to me - not quite sure why? Possibly too many people doing stints and not enough rhythm or continuity?
TMS not the same without CMJ but a great new addition in Glen McGrath, who comes across as the nicest guy imaginable, in total contrast to the fierce competitor who graced many a cricket arena.
the Aussies don't seem to have complained about Dar's decision. As a race of non-walkers, they're not really in a position to do so.

All the same, England's claim that you should just let the umpires do the deciding reminds me of Bell being given out against India, and captain and coach going to the Indian dressing room to lean on their guests to withdraw their appeal... which they did. Bit of hypocrisy there, I think.
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100 for Bell - top effort given his current (lack of) form.

Probably his most vital ton ever for England and has almost single handedly(ably assisted by Broad) turned this match massively in England's favour once again.
Holding apparently wants Broad banned! Would he ban all the others who gained from dodgy decisions?
Oh dear. Maybe Holding can instill a little more 'spirit of the game' into the West Indies side after the Ramdin debacle(which was out and out cheating) or maybe he can move from punditry to umpiring.
Dar is generally very reliable but had a mare on this one. Unfortunately we'll never get 7 or 8 Simon Taufel's but the ICC may have to have a word and maybe a spot of re-training for Dar.
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311 to win - tricky 15 minutes or so until lunch ...
Well, the Aussies made it to lunch and already almost 10% of the way to their target! We'll need some wickets fast, or tight bowling, as there's plenty of time for the chase - all of tomorrow, and two full sessions today. Feel we need to restrict Australia to about 200-6 at close today.
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Two gone at tea ... but aussies scoring rather too freely for my liking
At 142-3 this game is too finely balanced for my liking, we need another wicket before close of play, 2 would be even better!
As Root was successful, how about KP or Trott turning their arm over? Gotta be worth a go, shuffle things up a bit before the close.
161-4, Clarke the danger man is out, momentum swings the way of England!

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