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Ab Won't Load On My Tablet.

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shaneystar2 | 14:48 Thu 28th Sep 2017 | Technology
975 Answers
My Samsung Galaxy tablet won't load the AB page. It sticks half way across and then I get a message saying that this web page is unavailable.
It only happens with AB. It was like this when they changed the site so I downloaded an adblocker and it's been fine.
Now it doesn't load again although the adblocker is working.Everything else I use and look at on it is ok apart from AB.
Any suggestions as to how I can rectify this ?


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thunder crashng all round us for an hour before. And yet no lightning (perhaps it was still too bright to see it, it was well before sunset) and about 5 mnutes of light drizzle. What peculiar weather.
We had one massive roll of thunder right overhead earlier. It came right out of a clear clouds, no rain, nothing. Personally I think the world is ending.
I imagine your dogs think much the same.
Yes they are hating it...too hot and oppressive.
Morning. Weight is being gained here at a alarming rate of knots!
Mexico has prescribed amlodipino so let's see as BP is still v high.
Being bitten all over by these pesky little black flies. Hate them as the scabs last for so long and look so ugly.
plenty of weight gain here too, but OH is not participating, just lying in bed feeling poorly while plumbers and gasfitters tramp mud through the house. What a mess, three days still to go and the toilet won't be working till tomorrow (I hope). Some mains col water through the kitchen tap is all we have at the moment, Snazzy new boiler is fitted but not hooked up, but they have driven big holes in the walls for the flue. This is exhausting.
Terrible time to have it done but no choice. I have got two shower quoters coming wed and thurs and I am not even looking forward to that. Are you still getting nurse/hospital oversight Jno?
We've lived liked that jno for a long time. Only one brass tap with cold water which had to be handpumped from well to tank 300 times a day
Got used to boiling a saucepan of water to wash and washing thick long hair under a cold tap made it look brilliant. In fact I always do a cold water rinse these days.. It's a nuisance but doable. And we couldn't waste fresh water on flushing the loo
, we used the washing up/ washing water.
yes, the nurse is still popping in with a needle for the next few days, woofgang, after that OH goes onto pills - emailed the hospital to ask what pills but they said the GP would take care of it. A bit awkward to get to the GP - we're a little too far for a recovering OH to walk but I can't leave the house to provide a taxi service while the workmen are here. I've suggested booking an actual taxi, but we'll work something out.
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Hello all
We've got thunder and lighting ,very very frightening.I knew we wouldn't escape and were bound to get it sooner or later. It's coming down in stair rods out there.
What a lot of worry for you Jno with one thing and another. It'll be nice when it's done though.Do they make good afterwards or will you have to get the decorators in?
If your OH isn't well enough to get to the GP ask for a home visit.
Nothing else exciting here .I'm going to make more tea and sit and read down here for a while .I hate this thundery stuff and get agitated and nervy.If Woofy lived nearer I could go there and get fuss and biscuits :)
Night all.

Morning all. Strange weather very hot and then chilly. Mr N is home so I am restricted can't potter and bang about and he'll tell me I'm doing it wrong anywy!!) Have managed to find an all insect repellent with DEET and ill be protected against dengue and yellow fever!!All I want is no disgusting scabby legs so I can wear dresses ( one of which I would have bought today has Mr N not been with me!)
Anyone watch The Split? I thought it good.
Well well we are quiet here. Hot and cold here. Bought 2 knee skimming one and Mr N bought the other. He doesn't know yet . One is floaty emerald green and the other is cotton lacey white. Just had too.
Ah well Shaney The Americans has ended I haven't seen it yet. Just wish we could see a happy Martha.
Hope woofy and he woofers are ok.
Do wish jnos OH all the best
Hello Robi, how's ya doin??
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Evening all
Gloomy day.All we seem to get lately is fog and it's the start of flaming June tomorrow.
Just watched the last episode of The Americans Neti. No Martha and that's all I'm going to say but do have a hanky at the ready:)
I only watched the first episode of The Split but wasn't keen.I think they were trying to imitate the American stuff like The Good Wife,Suits etc and failed.
Hope you're all ok.
oh shaney have just watched it. I kept thinking they would be murdered at the border or somewhere. My god she was hard. So what do you think paige will do? Keep spying?
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I've just been looking at a review Neti .
It answers a lot of questions . Look at the side too ,the bit about Renee.
I found it all very sad. I felt sorry for Stan.They sowed the seed of doubt in his mind about Renee and he had to let them go.I was thinking they were going to be killed and dumped somewhere on the road Moscow..
Here you go ,it's a bit long but worth reading. They compare Elizabeth to Lady Macbeth and they're not far wrong.

I will read it later. I watched something YouTube where it explains that it written by a ex ntelligence officer and every month the CIA would vet the script for authenticity. .
I've really enjoyed it althoughdidnt understand all of it. One thing who is paying for Henry's schooling and if no one what will he Do?
Good morning all. Shughy woke me very early in case the weather was coming back but I don't think it is, fingers crossed. Once he settles, we will have a nice quiet pottering day and hopefully no more nasty weather for a while. I can catch up with the gardening and maybe we will even all get an afternoon nap. Hope everyone is well.
I've read it Shaney. When They were in the garage with stan I just wondered why has they And was it actually worth it!! Loved the Tchaikovsky music was so right.
I now imagine that Philip sees Martha on the street and he goes to to a nicer life with a loving woman

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