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Ab Won't Load On My Tablet.

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shaneystar2 | 14:48 Thu 28th Sep 2017 | Technology
975 Answers
My Samsung Galaxy tablet won't load the AB page. It sticks half way across and then I get a message saying that this web page is unavailable.
It only happens with AB. It was like this when they changed the site so I downloaded an adblocker and it's been fine.
Now it doesn't load again although the adblocker is working.Everything else I use and look at on it is ok apart from AB.
Any suggestions as to how I can rectify this ?


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Hello all
Yes that would be nice Neti but the real love of his life was Irena the mother of his eldest son who came looking for him but never found him. I think Stan will see Henry through school etc and Paige will go off and find Pastor Tim. Philip and Elizabeth are going back to a western way of life really as the old Soviet Union is about to fall with Gorbachev and Glasnost etc.Hopefully that will save Oleg and his family.
I just hope they all meet again some days as friends and family. I know it was only a TV show but it was so good and you sort of felt for the characters in it.I didn't want it to end.
Trying to brighten up here but Accu say rain is imminent .
Hope you're all fine and dandy.
Ah a nice synopsis but although we'll never know I think Paige will become as hard as her mother!
yes, drizzling here just before the gasmen went home - unfortunately, because they've now tramped damp footprints inside and out. The job is basically done apart from fixing a few bugs, we have water and some of it is hot; we have central heating, which we have been told to run for a couple of hours every day because they've put some chemicals in to flush the system out. They'll do all that on Monday touch wood.
That a good job. Now how is OH? Eating? Gaining weight? Is jno jnr still there helping out?
My hair has gone dark blonde as I decided to do roots with Angel Blonde (obviously a dark Angel. ) I hate it but am hesitant to mess with it as gawd knows what colour I'll end up with. So cross!!
jno jnr may return now we have hot water. He does like to shower every day, the little darling. (Also likes having his shirts ironed.)
good evening all, we had a twitchy day here. Shughy flakes out when he can't stay awake any longer but then wakes in a panic. Its gradually settling down again though. I have got deuxieme plumber coming tomorrow. I have warned him that I may not be able to shut the dogs away so we will see.
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Hello all
Really humid here and raining. A man was supposed to come and mow but I've told him not to bother in this lot.I don't know where all the sunshine is but it isn't here and hasn't been all week since Monday.
However, I hope all's well with you all. Showers working,dogs behaving and eyebrows looking good.
well second plumber turned up....I am really not sure.....He seemed to be trying to push me to change out the whole bathroom suite..."because things get broken sometimes when we try to remove them", suggested that I would need replacement rafters and that I shouldn't use the loo in that bathroom in case it came through the ceiling. Also he won't prep the floor or lay the flotex I want and seemed quite sniffy about it.
Hello everyone. Your little (?) Ray of sunshine is here, peed down all night, dreadful rain, cat whinged put om half if body out and reversed back in, i saw a suspicious bug in bathroom so wouldnt go in all night, it was killing me. In the end at 7am i didnt put any lights on and put nightie over my head and was relieved. Anyway it had gone by 9am! I am terrified of cockroaches.
Mr N has sprayed all the land with insecticide to kill off these nasty biting flies. He was meannt to paint the pool but it was damp. So we went across the island to San An, (its a different world!) And were going to have crispy tacos but they dont serve them anymore, so we found a beach shack and had delighful tapas and beer. Very pleasant. Popped into big lidl on way back and bought lots of treats to eat plus some anti ageing cream, a Suddenly perfume and 2 x-bolt aftershaves as it smells gorgeous on Mr N and I got one for me!
Eyebrows getting better by the day, am so delighted with them as I was despairing.. have to go back to salon on Wed for finishing off. Angel blonde doesnt look so bad now as ive washed it again, i like it. Sun finally came out.
How is everyone and woofers or OH's whichever is applicable?
Hello all Today is the first day in umpty million years that Shughy hasn't woken up shaking. He was still awake early but they went out for a wee and went back to bed again! Its hot hot hot here today but cooling down again tomorrow. I have had first plumber quote in and its a lot less than I expected but i have done some research with knowledgeable friends and they say it sounds about right as he is not retiling and he will re use shower tray. honestly getting the quotes is more stressful than having the work done. Hope everyone is well.
nice hot day today, Accu promied a T-storm but it never happened - I think they're just annoyed because they keep bombarding me with pleas to turn my adblocker off, but I can't, I think it's part of Firefox, not one of my own.

Gasmen come back to Make Good tomorrow, seal the holes in the walls and check everything is okay, which it seems to be. OH is pottering around the garden - tomatoes in growbags on Thursday night, munched by slugs Friday night, slug pellets leave piles of corpses Saturday night.
Good morning except I know its afternoon. We are all still catching up on sleep here its ridiculous. The dogs eat wee and sleep again and I have only to sit down for my eyes to close.
Good day. Very hot here now.
Mousey has changed er sleeping habits. About 1am she'll awrrlw.on my.legs and stays the time I don't move So I don't. Then she wakens at about 7. So I'm sleeping.
Have booked a plumber. he's the first one I talked to and I feel more comfortable about him than the second bloke. Also he will lay the flotex floor I want. Sounds silly basing a choice on gut feel but its about what I have to go on....that and he was good with the dogs!
Hello, good afternoon, look who's here, tis I. I've been busy (sometimes) enjoying the weather, no storms and very little rain, we seem to have missed the bad bits. It's dull and cooler today so I've been a domestic goddess and caught up inside and now I'm headachey and krackered.
I rang the gardener a week ago about doing the hedges, said he'd ring back but he hasn't. What's wrong with them, tut?

Hope your OH gains some weight and strength soon jno, the days are so very long when you're laid up. Once things improve it does snowball.

I plucked up courage to have a chat with the mexico about something that's been bothering me for some time. He was so lovely and told me I shouldn't sit worrying about anything, just go and see him. It's not something he's got the answer to at his fingertips so he's going to investigate for me. I could talk to him all day I didn't think anyone could beat my gp who retired.

Hope the rest of you are as ok as possible and that the home improvements are soon sorted, I always worry about gas and electricity jobs being done.
Nothing silly about trusting your gut feeling in any situation woofy, I've spent my life trying to do just that.
OH is up and about tidying up after the gasmen left, Robinia (I've even done some myself!). All done except they forgot to fix the leaky bath tap, but we still owe them thousands so we may take it up later. I went to hospital to see about my platelets and actually saw a consultant rather than the usual work-experience, and he thinks they're okay and has switched me from quarterly checks to annual ones. My platelets will probably run out when I'm 75 but until then life is good...
Lovely to see you Robi and thats great news about OH and your platelets Jno. I am glad you are sleeping Neti....sounds like we are all on the upturn. Yes a decent mexico is SO important, even though I rarely see mine and long may it continue.
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Hello all
I hope it's hot somewhere ~cos it isn't here.We're still sitting under this cloud and fog and it's struggled to get to 15C today. I'm going to move in with one of you soon as Norfolk is decidedly cool atm :)
Nice to see you Robinia and hope your worries are only little things.
Pleased to see your OH is up and pottering Jno ,sounds as if things are improving.
Yes I think you've done the right thing Woofy .The other chap sounded like a rip off .
Picky is on hols so came to mow today and took me to Tesco which had planned for Saturday but it rained :(.
KBO folks and someone send me some hot sunshine please.
Hail Hail the gangs all here.
Lovely to see you Robi. All I can say if it's dementia you are worrying about join the club. My sis is going to see a trick cyclist even tho her Mexico says she's ok. I'm forgetting things and ingredients etc. What can you Do?
As for my sleeping it's so umcomfy as one leg is tucked under the other with cat on it. If I even twitch she's off and screaming again!!
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Jno,don't forget that Lucy and the suffragettes is on tonight.
Lol ..Neti. I've been forgetful since I was about seven .My Mum used to say I would forget my own head if it wasn't screwed on.

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