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Tuscany Villa

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VINNY100_2 | 09:43 Fri 12th Jan 2007 | Travel
508 Answers
have booked the villa cassanova for the biddys,can you get cheese on toast in the local village?caf� fran�ais. here..(:O)


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hi Kit hope you're well!

yep neti it's very tempting to join in but let's face it I think some of them are fighting their own aliases!!
we'll just carry on bopping Vinny with the w's w....
I think suggs are getting to me - this is my new Vinny thwaker -

watch out Vinny!
oooh poor Vinny
matron! neti needs her medication increasing & a spell in anger management...

stay cool hehe
hahahahaha - I love neti when she escapes...(see Stick Thin in B&S)

will this do?
perfick!! goodnight all
< there's a kind of hush - all over AB today > poor ABED what is she walking into???
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buona mattina biddys.
:::vinny reporting:::your AB::war correspondent::::
reporting from AB...H.Q::::war Bunker:::1940:::
�This morning the AB Editor in london handed the imposters and there allies a final note stating that unless we heard from them by eight o'clock that they were prepared at once to withdraw from suggs, a state of war would exist between us.and a supply of birds custard tarts and a sack of sprouts will be launched at the enemy.I have to tell you that no such understanding has been received and that consequently we have no choice but to ::invade :::custard tarts at the ready...whoosh>>>>>>>>>>>>>:::::stop:::::(:O) Vinny....back in a bit when I've taken notes for my column in the biddy chronicles of ninia....
dons libby flak jacket
I've left a link for jno in the last thread as he/she (I still think it's a he) is roaming through the very dangerous corridors of AB at present.
ooh, thank you <b<neti <flexes biceps in manly way... well, only one bicep, other one seems to have taken the day off>... mmm, very salubrious here... I'll just get to work planting the cabbage borders
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hello managed to get through the barbed wire....right....all hands on deck....we better cover tuscany with this Camoflage Tarpaulin:::thanks for knitting it robinia....(:O)..
made it back!....well the end of the day.....on a level playing field....24-7.....bovvered....
hahaha am I getting on your nerves yet? gonna ban me eh?
gadzooks - unreal intit?

yo jno any more holiday pics please?

Vinny please stop flinging my custard flans, I need all the calories I can get.

neti you were edited & I was banned in the pink 'thin' thread...hahahaha

hey - ho....I've been thinking.....what happened to gondola baskets?

well, it's obvious what this is...

...isn't it? Oh well, if you go up the Jin Mao tower in Shanghai, which I think is the world's fourth tallest building or thereabouts, you can look down on this in the middle of the building. It's the atrium of a hotel that occupies the top 30 floors or so. A Marriott or Hilton or something. You can see someone's legs on one of the upper levels.
woah jno....where are the dizzy pills?....good grief, heavens to betsy (hehe love that phrase) that really makes me feel giddy, I'd never be able to look down there. I'm not so bad with panoramic views but the words sheer drop still give me the eeby jeebies since the undergarment incident.

breathe easy, there was a thick pane of glass between the camera (and me) and the atrium. Whole building is 88 storeys, a number of terrifically good omen in China, so that was reassuring.
crikey....everyone left already?

burp..... oops, pardon I....
do you know how far you have to go round here to get a plate of bubble 'n squeak? & have you tried asking for it in Italian? ooooh the things that waiter showed me...tut!
I've booked a table for the rest of the stay.

I've had a google of that tower jno!!'s a heck of a way back if you forget your brolly. keep 'em coming... erm, you aren't Judith Chalmers by any chance....?

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ooh-err, I feel a Chinese wind whistling up from the Huangpu... I met Judith Chalmers once; she was rather delightful, though slightly more orange-coloured than me.
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mattina voi gente bella..the calm before the storm sorry I gave you to many sprouts last night at dinner....these musicians were not best pleased when netti let rip.....hahahahaha..! i cant stop ..laughing

yo think were banned from the market now...

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