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Good Morning Early Birds

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Redhelen72 | 03:47 Thu 20th Apr 2023 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Hi all been very busy recently
Hope you have all been keeping well
What do you have planned?


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So I have spent a few days in London and a few in Manchester but finally got home to my own bed and my fur babies yesterday.
Looking forward to a few days rest and relaxation before it starts next week again.
Good morning Helen and all who follow :)

A quick hi and bye from a rather chilly Essex! Off to work now, then a bit of college work followed by more work, oh joy lol

Have a fabulous day everyone xx
Question Author
Morning DG hope you get a chance to chill in amongst all that work.
It’s not to bad weather wise here or at least it didn’t seem to be as I opened and shut the doors for the hounds
Good Morning
One And All
And Isn't It
A Beautiful Morning ?

Am I Right ?
I'm Not Wrong !
Good morning all!
Looking like the start of a fab day hereabouts, so I hope to be spending some leisure time next to the pond.
Hope the sun shines 4 u.
Take care folks
Question Author
It does look like it’s going to be beautiful may get some veggies planted today and harvest my first lettuce
A quiet day ahead for me having been here there and everywhere around the Duchy - well not really. Coffee and a paper soon and then take the day from there. Morning all.
Good Morning all.Where is my friend mm today?
Probably asleep as I believe that she was off spooking with her spooky club yesterday.
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Good morning DTC
Good morning yfmmi
A change is as good as a rest
Good morning,Helen.Good morning,DTC.A lovely day up here in the Granite City.Have a nice day,everyone.
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The sun is currently blasting down in NI too.
I grew up in Cruden Bay and Buchan
Hello and goodbye
Late Im late for breakfast!
Hubby up another tree with a motor saw
I hate it
Take care x
Question Author
Take care neti and neti husband

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Good Morning Early Birds

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