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Hymie | 21:13 Sat 22nd Apr 2023 | News
56 Answers
TTT can now add the Financial Times to those on the list of lefty-5C types, who point out what a disaster Brexit is for the UK.
(Those already on the lefty-5C list include the Office for National Statistics, the Office for Budget Responsibility, the Bank of England, the Institute of Directors, and others)

The word ‘disaster’ looms large in the FT article – perhaps they have been reading my AB posts.


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"I think you have been misrepresenting me as a male in the past"

I doubt you are correct but that is not unusual.
Yes or no?
Yes, the poll stated 29% of SNP voters voted for Brexit.
Thanks for that,TCL?So the SNP and the SNP voters were the main Brexiteers in Scotland.I always said they were and a lot of ABers on here said i was wrong.Case now closed.
They were not responsible for the UK leaving the EU and any time I see you repeating that lie, I will point it out as such.
Welcome to Davebank

Hours of fun reading about repetitive nonsense.

I know I'm a valued member but I didn't expect this honour!
//I don’t even think Reece-Mogg would be foolish enough to make such a false statement//

Let’s have a little think about whether Brexit is responsible for reduced exports to the EU.

Pre-Brexit, the UK exported goods to the other 27 EU countries. Presumably both the buyers (EU) and the sellers (UK) were happy with that arrangement. Post Brexit presumably the same buyers and sellers want to exchange the same goods. The only reason they may decide not to do so is because the trade barriers put in their way (under the leaving agreement that was supposed to see smooth trading) are too cumbersome. Who is imposing these barriers? Don’t even bother to put answers on a postcard. If the EU insists on imposing trading barriers with the UK that is their privilege. But they don’t have to do so and it’s no fault of anybody in the UK if they do.

// So the SNP and the SNP voters were the main Brexiteers in Scotland.I always said they were and a lot of ABers on here said i was wrong.Case now closed.//

But the case is far from closed. No doubt when the next Brexit thread appears you will repeat the same falsehood, demand a one word response to an irrelevant question that you already know the answer to, and TCL will point out your “error” yet again.
Are some people seriously still sulking about Brexit, after all this time?
I'm afraid they are.
Madness, get over it, you lost, as they say. Onwards and upwards!
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I predict in years to come I will be recognised as a visionary.

Most ABers posting, proclaim what a fantastic success Brexit is for the UK – but for some reason want to keep all the Brexit benefits secret.

Hymie alone (other than the Office for National Statistics, the Office for Budget Responsibility, the Bank of England, the Institute of Directors, the OECD, the CBI, all major news media organisations and Uncle Tom Cobley and all) recognised the disaster Brexit is for the UK.
//Most ABers posting, proclaim what a fantastic success Brexit is for the UK – but for some reason want to keep all the Brexit benefits secret.//

Don't include me in that. I care not a jot whether Brexit is considered a success or a failure. As far as I am concerned it is an overwhelming success for one reason, which cannot be disputed - the UK is no longer a member of that protectionist, pernicious organisation that is the European Union.
^^^ they've never grasped that judge.
Your not a visionary hymie...your just repeating a view of some people that brexit has made things worse ( whether it's because of brexit or because the EU has been trying it's hardest to make sure it don't work). I thinks it's not been a good choice either but don't claim to be a visionary.
Now if you came up with a sensible suggestion about what to do appart from say ' I told you so' then I might be more impressed
well said bob.

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