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World Chocolate Day - 7 July

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Hazlinny | 09:34 Sun 07th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
16 Answers

On this day, started in 2009, will you be eating your favourite chocolate and what will it be?  Yesterday I received a box of After Eights and just couldn't stop eating them 😋 



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I have a bar of Green Blacks hazelnut & currant which I'm saving for later. This requires the right moment 😁😁

I was unaware of the celebration & have no chocolate 😢

It's important we keep up traditions.  I'll buy a bar when I'm out for the paper.

Just had an email from Nestle about this with a chance to win a trip to their factory in York.

Previously we were told that the world would run out of chocolate on 02 October 2020. That didn't happen.

Personally I can take it or leave it.

Sadly not, I am a very disciplined diabetic :(  I could kill for an Aztec, Cabana, Twirl or Golden Cup sometimes

I'm about to have some 85-90% chocolate with my second cup of coffee. That's breakfast sorted 😆 🤣 

No chocolate left,Tesco delivery isn't until friday Usually for the month multipacks of each consist of Picnic, Snickers, Twix M&M's usually something else... and unsure if they count chocolate Hob-Nobs. and choc chip cookies.

I've just had a bar of Fry's Peppermint Cream.

Not strictly chocolate and, to be honest, not as moreish as I remembered.

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The plain Fry's Cream is one of my favourites.

I ate so many "After eights" when I was a kid, that I don't like them any more.

I could murder a walnut whip anytime, though!

Apparently there is no longer half a walnut inside the chocolate. What a swizz

Doesn't seem to be any whole cherries in a CherryRipe, either, just lots more pink coconut 😢

I've never heard of Cherry Ripe chocolate 

Made by Cadburys, dark choc with cherry and coconut filling, in a bar .....they aren't available in the UK ?? 
Weird, they've been available here in Oz for yonks 

I never eat chocolate. Never really been a fan. However, I did work for Mars for 12 years. Seen it made. As I've said before on here, if you like your Maltesers, you might be surprised to know that before they are packed, they are polished. Tis true folks. After being coated with chocolate, they are put into a large, felt-lined drum, similar to a tumble dryer, and spun round. This gives them thier polished finish. You learn something every day on here.

And Mars is one of the richest companies in the world. Everything they make is pure profit and subsidised entirely by the Mars Bar. But they don't only make chocolate. Master Foods is a subsidiary of Mars, as is Pedigree Pet Foods. Also Klix vending machines. The list is endless. And even after all that, the Mars Bar itself still makes 1/2p profit. Not a lot, but no losses anywhere. I met Forest Mars back in 1991. A realy nice and respectful man, but ruthless with his decision making. 

When he came to our warehouse, he asked if he could have a packet of Skittles. Yep, he asked! Of course he was allowed them, but when he bit one of them, he broke one of his teeth. He was furious, as you can imagine. The outcome of that was, that, to this day, all sugar confectionery produced by Mars is stored in warmed warehouses prior to despatch. 

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