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leoandbuddy | 22:54 Sun 10th Jun 2007 | History
8 Answers
what if you see a dead magpie


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well no point saluting it is there, it can't bring you good or bad luck cos it's has run out.
it is an ex-magpie.
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Use it in a not-too-tasty alternative in pigeon pie?

I don�t think the magpie verse goes down to -1
Rejoice very loudly - at least it won't be raiding the nests of smaller, weaker birds and eating the babies.
I hate the bloody things but I remember going to see my mums grave and a magpie was dead upside down in a vase of water, It had obviously got stuck trying to have a drink. Anyway my cousin died 3 weeks later of a heart attack and he was only 35. see they are bad luck. They should get rid of them all.
If it's stuck in the radiator grill of a large lorry and heading towards you I'd say it's going to be very bad luck!
I see two in the road on my way to work at the moment... someone nicked my phone. Dunno if the two things are connected.

(Actually I know they're not)

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