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ab_user | 17:25 Sat 08th Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
35 Answers
whi here is married? what are your views on marriage? is it all its made out to be?


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How awful can your name be?I know people called Longbottom,Bint and Dick.
i love being married. we got hitched 3 years ago and our kids were our best men and bridesmaid. Sort of did it the wrong way round according to some . People say its old fashioned or only a piece of paper but i feel better knowing im im his wife rather than his partner (hate that word) or his girlfriend(im 31 too old to be a girlfriend)
My wedding cost about �300, this included the rings, the ceremony and the pub lunch....

We used our savings to have a luxery holiday in Bali...

Lol at your comment Neo!!!!
I think a valid reason for some used to be tax allowances, not sure if that still applies or not.
It's our 10th anniversary next week, happyjo, and I'm Jo too....spooky! We've generally been happy - having a baby was the only time I'd say I felt unhappy. Not with the little man, of course, but with mr nutgone. It took him a lot longer to adjust to our new, upside down, lives - kept going to Saturday AND Sunday football, never got up in the night etc. I imagine that it's at that point a lot of people would give up if they hadn't made that commitment to each other. I laid down the law a bit and told him to pull his socks up. I knocked him into shape! He has since grown into the most fantastic dad, and the boys' friends LOVE coming round here when he's around - it's a proper boys' house.

Divorce is a dirty word here - marriage actually means something to me, so I won't knock it. The best things are worth putting in a bit of effort for, in my opinion...!
hi ab_user; I always find this kind of question an interesting one as there are always so many anti-marriage answers.
Surely those of us married and anti-marriage have not married the right partner......that is surely the trick here.

As for expensive weddings, I am with happy jo on this one - 10 years married this Feb gone and it only cost �30 at the registry office and dad paid for a lovely meal and party for us and friends. If we did it again I would not change a thing.

Oh, and marriage is all about respect, compromise and understanding each other, not changing each other.
OMG nutgone and happy jo I didn't mention that I am a Joanne too!!!!!!!!!!
oh, and I didn't mean I am anti-marriage, far from it : )
oooooh! Something about Jos and getting married in 1997???
i am jo and i did not marry then, he he.

sunflower, unfortunately many view marriage as ownership, and start to become complacent and arrogant regarding their partner. they expect them to change and become how they want.
they alos feel they have become ''whole'', like they have been two halves previously.
i believe in two people being together through choice and retaining who they are as individuals who happen to want to be together, not as people who lose their identity and become a couple
I like being married and as pixiepie sais hate 'partner' and too old to be 'girl'friend not old enough to be 'lady' friend'

we went to register office with parents and one friend each ,then local pub for posh dinner,my father paid.That was 30 years ago.............
It's my wedding anniversary today....18 years, my birthday too lol,'d get less for murder! :o)
happy anniversary/birthday suzy64
Thank you :o) least that way if he remembers one, he remembers both lol
been married.
passed the time.
i wouldnt bother getting married again , i feel being single gives you the freedom to do your own thing.
anyway shed only try to keep me offline.
and we cant have that .

sleepy ; - ) loved the video lol

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