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wake up you lot

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oldgrape | 09:14 Tue 11th Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
80 Answers
am i the only one a wake on this site come on lazy bones!
My son woke me at 5.00 and is now having a morning nap
i cant go back to sleep now cause i'm completely awake
So u lot where ru
Wheres the questions???


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morning troops
Whiffey, it all sounds too good to be true!x
There you go !! As if proof were needed.
so you're whiffey-1 now are you lambert :-) This is so stupid now, why all the usernames and so many wanting to be other ABers, Lambert you are the chosen one today. ridiculous.
and to prove ^^^^
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how can a one year old make so much mess my house was spotless when i went to bed
now theres dvds everywhere dribble on the tv and patio windows and my son has some how got the batteries out of the sky remote
lol @ oldgrape, I love kids but I couldn't eat a whole one ;-)
just wait til hes 2! mines just gone downstairs and raided the cupboards, brought back 2 chocolate biscuits ('one for mummy')

He is also potty training which means he runs in and out of bathroom with his potty and empties it and flushes the loo

my office looks like a bomb has hit
The real art is to be ridiculous without being chosen, it is a talent given to few.

<another thing the baboon clique should avoid is making inane footnotes at the bottom of the page, e.g.sniggers and runs and hides behind the cricket pavilion>
Don�t know oldgrape but wouldn�t that be so much fun to do now, just wreck the place and get away with it. :-)
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hee hee
so we are in a clique but its you that is telling us all what to do. Think we can do what we like thank you. You and all your usernames need to change the subject and concentrate on more important things in life. Its boring now.
but then you'd have to tidy after
Looks like we've got 2 threads in one here, doesn't it?
Sticking to the original : reading all your comments about your babies, really takes me back, girls! I remember going through all that with K Jnr (he's 18 now) - it gets easier as they grow up, but I don't know if it's as much (frustrating!!) fun! Having said that, he still gives me a hug & tells me he loves me, bless him (could be because I cook for him, do his washing, pay for his car insurance...etc etc etc, but he's a great lad!)
All this stuff about chat really puzzles me. If you are on your profile screen and read the blue banner at the top of the window on your screen, it says (on my pc anyway!):

The AnswerBank - post questions and answers, and discuss topics of interest.

Surely a discussion about a topic of interest could be a chat. And surely a chat between two people is about a topic of interest to them both.

So it would seem to me that there is a contradiction here - anyone agree? If anyone is not interested in the discussion (chat!) taking place, can surely start their own.
morning olgrape
I can totally understand i have a 4 yr old and some days it's like a mini tornado has been through the house. I tidy up and he does it all over again.
ok i'm kind of confused now we've got a smi-ffy and a whiffey who might be the same. And whiffey1 who also claims to be johnlambert. Maybe i should just go back to banging my head off that brick wall that bobtheturkey advised me to do yesterday:)
is smi-ffy for real ?
smiffy is horribly horribly for real ;)
louisa 69 I tried saying welcome yesterday but was banned :-( so welcome today. dont let it confuse you too much on here xx
Thanks for the welcome 4getmenot.
I'll try not to let it confuse me too much :)

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wake up you lot

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