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Hot Toddy?

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weeal | 20:45 Thu 10th Jan 2008 | Health & Fitness
28 Answers
Anyone got a good recipe for a hot toddy that works please, I am coughing for Scotland and sound like im under water - yuk - had it since last weekend

boo hoo

wee Al x


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oh aye - any excuse to get p!ssed tee hee

at least it might chill you both out for a bit and let you catch up eh
Too true! he does not like spirits though.
He is a beer man when he does have a drink.
God, no pleasing some folk.
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I hardly ever drink at all so the thought of downing a Brandy/Sugar/Hot Water mix is not a nice one, but hey on the offchance it might work I will be a martyr
Hi Weeal - hope you get better soon.
Here's a quick concoction for a persistent cough -
Mix together fresh lemon juice, black pepper and honey together. Take a tablespoon as needed. Works all the time for me. Take care and feel better xxx
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thanks figure, isnt it funny how all the revolting stuff apparently does the trick lol

my mum keeps telling me to make sugar/margarine balls and swallow them for a cough - think she's trying to kill me
Wee Al I know the thought of onions and sugar sounds awful but if I remember it used to taste ok. the onion didnt really taste like they do when you eat or cook one, just a sweet syrup taste. give it a try for a few days and see. anything is worth a try.
Oh dear - join the club. This damned bug seems to be running a marathon throughout the whole country. I find hot water poured onto lemon slices with a generous blob of honey soothing during the day. As a nightime booster to help get some sleep, add some whisky. Hope you feel better soon. Have had mine for over a week too and I now sound like a Whooper Swan. Read in the paper recently that the government is telling GP's not to prescribe antibiotics for colds and coughs. Reckon this is just a ruse to reduce costs for the NHS. Think how much money they will save if we all die of bronchitis or pneumonia !
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Thanks 'whoever' - and i hope you too feel better soon.

I dont think I will even ask for antibiotics then, will just ride it out and hope for the best like a brave wee soldier lol

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