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Quiet this afternoon

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4getmenot | 17:55 Thu 05th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Did joggerjayne scare everyone into doing some work?


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No, dad scared me!
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would scare me too
but ive recovered slightly now.

am off in a while to pick up my tearful boy from preschool
all the interesting and nice people have moved on.
Never fear, Im back zabo :)

Awww red, why is he tearful?
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why is he tearful?
I'm just tidying my desk as i'm off at 5.30
hes still settling in, he cried because i hadnt gone back when he wanted me. Last week he got wet playing with the water and they couldnt stop him crying so i picked him up. I think he reckons if he cried i will pick him up again. This time they persevered and hes fine now. I wont mention it to him at all and hope hes happy to go tomorrow.
aww bless him. He will settle in before you know it red and soon he will be wanting to stay when you go to pick him up :)
i hope so psy. Its awful to think hes scared i wont go back for him.

He needs to socialise and he is happy to play with the staff but shys away from the children, mind you some of them look hard as nails lol
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he'll be ok. xx
I fell asleep ......for 2 hours !

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Quiet this afternoon

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