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Cat claws

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jon1968 | 14:30 Tue 12th Aug 2008 | Animals & Nature
7 Answers
How do you know if they need trimming - I thought they took care of it themselves by scratching and whatnot but apparently my 'rents cat has very long claws on its rear right leg?
Is it just a case of taking it to the vet and them giving them a quick snip if necessary?


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you can get nail clippers for animals in pet shops, save you a trip to the vets, do not clip them to far down the nail as like us humans they have a quick in their nails and it will bleed, i clip my mums cats claws as he getting on in age and doesnt get out as much to wear his nails down. i clip them at the shapest point.
My two monsters are indoor cats and need their claws cut. They use their scratch post daily and this keeps the claws in good condition as it gets rid of the outer sheath.

The first time that I did it I ended up with four bite wounds to my hand, a swollen finger that was septic and a couple of weeks of antibiotics. These days it is a battle but they don't bite me anymore.

Have fun!
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S0d that for a laugh then, the vets it is unless the clippers come with free chainmail! That or a spade? ;-)
Useless animals!
Many thanks.
dont give up on the clippers jon1968, not all cats are going to rip chunks out of you. you could maybe get the cat used to having its paws handled and if you push gently on the paw the cat will unsheath its claws, keep doing this until the cat is used to it then you could try with the clippers, the cat will soon tell you if it doesnt like it, maybe get someone else to hold the cat, even wrap it in a towel so it cant struggle. it will work out cheaper than going to the vets,....oh cant you get chainmail at your local chainmail are us shop.....hee hee
The clippers are really good. I used to get my housemate to hold Sam while I clipped his claws. Now I live alone I've had to determine another method. Fine for his front paws as the soppy beast just lies there are lets me clip them. He just gives the odd pathetic miaow - a sort "I don't really like this but I can't be arsed to fight you" miaow! As for his back paws that's another matter as he hates those being touched. So far I've only managed to clip two claws on one foot. At this rate, with the amount of claws he has it'll take me weeks to get them all done!
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Nah, I think I�ll leave it to the experts thanks mad & anna, me and the cat have a mutual hatred of each other! ;-))
Seems odd it�s just the one foot that needs doing though? I take it there�s no aftercare required if they do need to be chopped? Can I just hoof it out of the cat carrier and let it carry on as normal?
Absolutely no aftercare - it's just the same cutting your own nails - no difference.

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