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DemonSlayer | 00:35 Thu 18th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Dorthy hawkes.

Hey there lonely girl I have heard on the grapevine that the boy scouts are looking for ugly people like you who look like sh1t to do a bob a job for them in Londons kings cross.

The only qualifications that you have to have are being ugly on both the inside and outside.

So you fit the bill perfectly and they have seen your profile and picture and they will guarantee that you will make at least two bob a day by bobbing you ugly head up and down on the blind punters.

Please get in touch at.


Good luck in your new job.



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Did you fart in bed?
Who's Dorthy? Get your insults correct Knob, the carry more gravitas if you do. Just a little advice.
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Why are you worried? ^
lol knobby, you're so very funny, how (and indeed why) you find the time to do this amazes me, still, it keeps you awake, make sure noone steals the horse you'll be towing that caravan yourself,

P.S. any pegs for sale/
Of course i'm worried Knob, i wouldn't want you to lose your position of chief troll because of your spelling.
ohferf*cksakes if evr their was a tena moment its got to be now! Knobbynoguts threatening dot h.

Oh pms and peeing too
now then don't mock him he's nothing else to live for!
and cue the fat tw@t and hs monkey

The monkey's gone to bed.
dorthy i .hopes you got a tin hat. Hahahaha. Knoguts. Hahahaha. Next it will be bouncdon.
demonslayer? Fergawdsakes. More like demented sicko
im reporting this thread to the goodness of all mankind lol

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