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describe yourself bits you like hate ect

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zzxxee | 08:52 Thu 09th Sep 2010 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
and the person you would most like to look like
five foot 1 blue eyes lightbrown hair
size 14 curvy but wobbly belly that needs toning up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
would love to look like halle berry


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Sqad i think zzxxee was looking for a physical description and not you trying your "Lonely hearts pitch" :)
09:17 Thu 09th Sep 2010
"Ginge is 6ft with size 9 feet..."

"I'm bigger i'm bigger"

You know what they say about a man with big feet, ummmm :0)
Yes...he wears big shoes :-)
LOL.... ummmm

I sent you reply e-mail, sweetheart......

Gotta go out now...see you all later...have a great day :0) xx
See you later...I'll have a look :-) xxx
5'10 - dark hair, fair skin and blue eyes - was very slim - was size 10 before kids - 12/14 after - now in mid forties and have put a bit of weight on over last year - creeping up on a 16! Not too happy about that so need to get myself in gear. Not particularly unhappy with anything else, but always been more functional than beautiful. I don't have too many wrinkles yet.

In terms of who I would like to look like, I guess I have always wanted to be dark skinned but don't have any particular people in mind.
hair was originally...very dark brown
very darl brown eyes
now size 14/16... don't think thats too bad for my age !
best features are my lesg, long and slender with no varicose veins in' em
good hands (so I have been told) no scrawny bits, none on my neck either...
thickening waist-line , won't see a size 10 anymore :-0)
am with me...I most certaily am x
5' 4" Size 16 - short highlighted blonde hair - blue eyes - great sense of humour (but is being tested at the moment !) . Love my blue eyes and long dark lashes and my dinky size 4 feet. Hate my boobs, they are too big.

I would like to look like me when I was in my 20's.
I'd settle for looking like I did in my forties !

Morning DEN xx
Hiya Mazie - Thanks for your recent email - I am having problems with my internet service at the moment and have no email - Mr. Den brought this dongle thingy home and thats what I am using to come on here, but I have no email.

Den xx
Not a problem Den x
Me : 5'6", size 8/10, great legs and boobs, hazel eyes and mid length naturally curly locks. Wicked SOH and a very loyal person and at the moment very happy to be me.
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other half is five foot ten so me being five foot one deffo have to wear heals when im out with him !!!! hes as bald as a coot but i find that sexy in a man !!!! it he has a bit of a belly now hes not as active as when he was in the forces but i still love him x
I find you love someone for who they are, not for what they look like (thank god!)

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