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Have a nice day

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queencharlotte | 01:30 Tue 19th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
I met an Egyptian man on the coach yesterday. He was returning to his University for his degree ceremony and to see his tutor. His hydrological engineering dissertation is on the prevention of sea water contamination of coastal aquifers in the Middle East. What an absolutely brilliant, potentially life saving and enhancing subject! Whoever he is I feel honoured to have briefly met him and hope he has a wonderful day today at the ceremony.

As usual, I can`t sleep, so it is nice to read the recent entries and see familiar names again.


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Hello to you, too. Having been away I missed any response to The Apprentice. I suspect it is a put up job, a TV pretence, but I was so pleased Tom won. He might be pretty clueless at business, but Sugar can do that and market his inventions. Lovely Helen will, I hope be inundated with job offers.

I have had a nice day, despite going to the GP re a lump I`ve found on my shoulder because everyone was so nice; I`ll have to try not to think about it until the hospital appointment.
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