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coccinelle | 17:10 Tue 01st Nov 2011 | Sport
8 Answers
Is it true that this sport was named after the rules; Gentleman Only Ladies Forbidden?


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Sounds like an urban myth to me.
Not in a squillion years
Origin is uncertain but possibly from the Dutch word, kolf, meaning a club...assuming you are actually serious!
Where did you get that info QM?
Everywhere I've looked it just says 15th Century Middlle English (or similar)
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Yes, I thought it was a myth too but where I read it the other information was true.
Chambers Dictionary just happened to be open on my desk, Rojash, so right there. However, now that I have been called on to check my answer, the OED throws doubt on that source! It says only that kolf is (quote) "commonly supposed" to be the origin and then goes on to cast serious doubt in the matter. Nevertheless, it too says "of obscure origin".
Basically, then, nobody knows.
Thanks QM - though I wasn't calling on you to check your answer, just curious as to where you found it.
I wasn't imagining that YOU were demanding an answer-check, R, only that I MYSELF felt I had to look in the word-bible itself. Cheers.

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