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To be in, or not to be in?

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anotheoldgit | 14:58 Thu 10th Nov 2011 | News
46 Answers

Given the choice of staying in the EU, and consequently having to join the Euro area, or coming out of the EU altogether, what should we do?


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Not sure I'd really call China a "communist state" although even if it was so what?
They are a huge economy and growing. All the more reason to have an EU.
Actually I don;t think the Chinese were particularly interested in helping, were they?
These are tough times no doubt fro thr EU and the Euro, but I'm willing to bet the Euro zone will eventually grow, not shrink.
The European Union will never be the huge sucess that Brussels desire because of one simple fact. The nations involved don't like each other. They have nothing in common besides existing on one land mass. The attempt at a common currency has crashed and will pull the one strong (and dominant) member i.e Germany, to its knees. As soon as Germany and France has managed a firewall around their banks, I think they will do their utmost to cut away the flotsam of the Eurozone.(Holland being an exception).
If I were a betting person ichkeria I would take yours. I think the EU will shrink and become a United Federal States of Europe, what was planned by Germany and France years ago, than give it a few years and hey presto all fall down (or out) like dominoes.
It seems we are being excluded from talks by Merkel and Sarcozy as to the future path of the EU. Whatever they finally decide we will have to go with our heads between our legs and bow down to their greater wisdom. You cannot change the rules if you are not a fully paid up member and our dithering over the years has made us like TV armchair supporters.
Rov, Merkel and Sarcozy are the only two who appear to be making all the decisions - it seem like a german/franco union.
No the Chinese weren't interested and why should they be. And the old guard are still there, they may be a burgeoning economy, but you can't change people overnight.
Brenden, from bitter enemies to best of friends, no i don't think so. Economically it serves the Germans doing business with France, but as we have seen before, it doesn't take a lot for these two countries to come to blows, and in the past it's been France who have come off the worse.

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To be in, or not to be in?

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