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friedgreentomato | 10:40 Mon 15th Oct 2012 | News
32 Answers
one of them health tourists we don't want?


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"so why don't you deflate that ego of yours and calm down. "

thats rich....medicine dose of and take are all words in a phrase that springs to mind
Changing tack slightly, if Malala pulls through and the Taliban don't take any more pops at her (which they have threatened to), then I suspect she's going to be a major player in Islamic politics in years to come. I really hope she pulls through.

And, FGT, I spotted you were being tongue-in-cheek - "them health tourists" indeed!
I agree, kiki.....shame the Light Brigade can't see through it either.
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Thanks Kiki and DT x
///End of/// is aog really TWR?

/// I agree, kiki.....shame the Light Brigade can't see through it either. ///

Yes "Cannon to right of them, Cannon to left of them, Cannon in front of them".

Only pity this time the 'Ruskies' are in the middle, with no where left to go.
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Interesting rewrite of history - you ought to set yourself up as a propaganda writer, AOG.
friedgreentomato I know quite well.......I cannot imagine her being at all confrontational or sarcastic.................

/// friedgreentomato I know quite well.......I cannot imagine her being at all confrontational or sarcastic................. ///

Now is it you Sqad who is being sarcastic? :0)
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Awwwwh sqad you say the nicest things xxxxx

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