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beanochris | 17:24 Fri 27th Jan 2006 | Adverts
8 Answers
There was an advert I saw a while back in the mid 90's. It featured a cartoon sea captain with the music in the background being: 'This is the captain of your ship calling, it's time to have a snack or four.' Does anyone remember what product this advert was for>


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was it cheerios?

Is this a question in a quiz ? It was answered only recently.

It is one of the Muller products, either Muller Rice or Muller Yogurt.

The ad was clearly made for another country, as one of the characters was clearly talking in the original.

i think the line went "it's time to have a snack on board, and no stalling"

The original song was "Captain Of Your Ship" by Reparata and the Delrons.

These Quizes keep on gonig.

Oh who was Reparata? === Mary "Reparata" Aiese

The ad was for Muller Rice.
i thought it was for like fish fingers or something??!!?? captain birdseye stuff?!
Yes it was def for muller rice x

Yes it was defo Muller Rice and it goes....

This is the captain of your ship....calling. It's time to get a snack or four and no....stalling, and if you haven't guessed this is what we suggest yeeeahh!

Muller Rice is horrible though!

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