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Biscuits - An Average Portion

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Ric.ror | 16:19 Tue 01st Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
How many biscuits do you consider an average portion


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Depending on the biscuit - two.

Don't talk about biscuits - the GP's just given me some dietary advice :-(
I agree that, with a cup of tea, 2 biscuits would be respectable.

If you're in company, that is.

With a glass of milk, or a coffee at bedtime, the convention is to sit with the packet, and it's perfectly legitimate to stuff your face, pausing only to scoop a big spoonful out of the litre tub of ice cream.
Always 2 with a cuppa. Less feels pointless and 3 feels greedy.
I'd say two if you are taking from ones someone has offered out, if they are little biscuits, maybe one if they are posher ones like big chunky cookies.

I'm dangerous around certain packets of biscuits, Malted Milks especially!
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Well to me any more than 2 is a meal in itself
Would you risk it for a biscuit!
Two is polite in company. The packet is fine at home on your own.
depends on the biscuit i suppose !!
jaffa cakes once opened will survive two sittings (if they are lucky)
6 is taking the mickey! Assuming your colleague isn't paying for the biccies, then that is beyond the pale. If I was paying for them I would definitely say something, you can only justify six at a time if you supply them!
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I bought the biscuits this time
That's not really the point though they were 30p from sains
It's the sheer greediness
If he'd have been hungry I could have understood it but 6 is just greedy no its glutinous

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