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How can it be Thursday already?? This week is absolutely flying by! Just spoke to YoungSmow(used to be TeenSmow lol) & they are still waiting for arrival of baby!! Labour is taking  forever to... ...
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Well that was a humid night! Even with a fan on I've been so so hot! Looks like it's going to be another gorgeous day! In-laws house move went well yesterday - after 33 years in the old hdouse I... ...
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Does 'the bag with the box' mean anything to you?   
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Are snakes worth the trouble? A news report says that snakes kill 7000 people annually in Bangladesh alone (probably 10s of thousands worldwide). It seems their main function ecologically is in... ...
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Buenchico ...
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A steady day beckons for us today , we are signed up for a small/shortish sponsored walk this evening in Aid of our local Hospice, should be a fun evening we dont set off until 8PM 
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The perils of buying goods online. I bought a patio/bistro set, and was not told in which country it was made, or that it would arrive it a flat pack.  Also, it was impossible to assemble due to... ...
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Had a lovely treat this afternoon - a family of long-tailed tits flitting between my camelia and apple trees.  We don't very often see them in the garden, they are a favourite of ours.  Certainly... ...
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Many Happy Returns, Rowan   ...   hope the sun is shining where you are and that you have a lovely day. x ...
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How are your plants, fruits and vegetables getting along with the inconsistent weather we've been experiencing? 
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How long after there has been weedkiller sprayed around garden can you go in and remove them by hand safely? I don't know much about weedkiller or gardening, but I would imagine you don't want it... ...
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I never knew that it can cause such a nasty reaction (or even a mild... ...
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Almost a bubble car - the steering wheel isn't attached the door.  I suppose it would be okay for driving a few miles to work and back every day but I wouldn't feel safe in... ...
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I recently cut off all the 'babies' on my spider plant and repotted three of each, into small pots.  Within a few weeks they are outgrowing the pots, which admittedly are very small.  They all... ...
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I grow half a dozen sunflowers from seed every year. I start them in small pots on the windowsill and gradually repot and move them towards the outside when they are approx 4-6inches. Something I'm... ...
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Well, not a meadow exactly, more an overgrown lawn. If I bought a lot of wildflower seeds would it be enough to sprinkle them in the long grass or would it need more preparation?
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on this long Spring Bank Holiday! Any  good plans for you ?
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with a tractor salesman. Sent me a John Deere letter this morning. 😠
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Sweet! . . . or should that be 'tweet'? ...
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I do have one which holds my garden appliances.  This sits on loads of breeze blocks (which does the job) However, I am wanting another bigger shed but don't want it to sit on breeze blocks - what... ...

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