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Reading girlygirls post, brought to mind something similar, its old, and i'm sure some of you must have heard it before, but?????. Imagine you are a prisoner, you are taken to a place where there are...
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I already posted this in Jobs and Education but its dead in there and i need an answer. I'm 21 and i wanted to know what qualifications you need to be entered as a mature student at university. I...
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I have decided to improve my general reading over the summer. I am looking for what you think are the ten most neccessary books to have read. They can be any genre and any period, let me know your...
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Am I going mad or has no-one mentioned that today is D-Day?? I am very surprised by this.Personally I dont think we can ever imagine what these young men went through and we should never forget
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I admit at 48 I am no spring chicken, probably ready for the chop, however am I the only person who finds gangs of youths frightening. I am happy teaching them and have no fear in school were I...
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I've been looking around on the internet for a pan that i can cook different types of vegetables in, all at the same time. Is there a name for this type of pan? One with seperate compartments so it...
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And who cud not really care less?
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which doctor was better christopher eccleston or deavid tennant. i would like to hear what people think. thnks.
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Having watched those progs where women have a complete overhall after having lost weight, it scares me that they all need a tummy tuck to get rid of their saggy belly skin. I have a fat stomach (!)...
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We are both the same age, i am recently single and he is with a girl he has been with for 5 years. Anyway, everytime we go out together, he pulls girls....whereas I dont. We are about the same level...
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I have been off for a while and I just came back on and there has been soooooo many new threads... And I have noticed so many new people.. where's the old timers?? Is there people leaving AB that have...
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Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny ipmortnat tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset...
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I am soon to be a NQT (Primary School) in the Leamington Spa/Coventry area - applying for jobs around this area - any advice of what ever kind would be helpful - thanks.
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Don't want to bore you all senselsss,but I have been very good so far and still have not had so much as a sip of wine! .Has helped as b/f hasn't either,even thought I didnt ask him to not drink,he...
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I dont know anyone whose had one this year, any idea why
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aka pixi
I have stopped eating chocolate. Yes I have!! Im not fibbing. Since Sunday I have only had 4 or 5 little squares of chocolate and its killing me. No matter what I am doing all I can think of is...
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Has a book ever changed your perspective on life or your view of the world? If so what book and why?
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My wife is now seemingly suffering with this, any advice on how to deal with it would be of help, its with all the nursing she has had to do
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My most fave person in the whole world has just been diagnosed with diabetes. I know nothing about it and neither does he (yet). I am going to google it and read up, but would REALLY appreciate any...
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Hi, my partner has a crap credit history but wants a DEBIT card so that he doesnt have to estimate how much money he needs before he goes shopping - its annoying to find he doesnt have enough money...

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