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I need to find out who has put a HOLD on some funds. I stayed at an hotel last weekend. Total bill £145. This was paid by Nationwide Visa debit card on departure. On Weds. I noticed a 'hold' on...
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The French have surrendered.....
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I am 16, and have just finnished 12 GCSE's all A*-C The question I am being asked is; Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself which you think demonstrates your suitability for...
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Hundreds of the local Community turn out with their help with the clean-up really Heartwarming to witness,and could hopefully go some way to diffusing the actions of the mindless thugs ,and...
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50 bn wiped of the ftse due to fears over european debt. Now we find it is not only the PIgS but other euro nations. Surley this one size fits all has ti go. And we should get out now before they come...
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I am currently 6 weeks into a 12 week notice period at my current ...or so i thought. It came to light last week (just from chatting to colleague) I had miscalculated my notice period and should only...
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having a browse on the web i thought what is all this rubbish about teachers having an easy life? i find that teachers are contracted to work 1265 hours per year over 195 days.. that is a major...
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There are growing calls from Brussels for a fiscal union as the only way of saving the Euro. All Governments would surrender their taxation and budgetary powers to Brussels....
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http://www.dailymail....iving-life-grime.html Our politicians constantly state that their government are going to take an increasing number of children out of poverty during their term of office....
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As a driver of 45 years and always driven manual gearbox cars my daughter has aquired an automatic citreon car which i am insured to drive my question is, is there a correct way to drive an automatic...
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As an executor of a will, how can I pay bills owed by the deceased from their estate.
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I have just been told I need an Arthroscopy,any one had one,and what was the outcome ?Thanks
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our rent is £500 per month, our housing benefit maximum allowance is £93.50 per week (payed every 4 weekly ) how do they work it out if say in july there is 31 days ? obviously 4 weeks and...
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ok, so we already give £20 each annually - or so it says on another thread. anyone care to dig a little deeper ?
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A friend of mine was charged with Violent Disorder in April of this year and has already attended Magistrates Court twice, he now has a preliminary hearing at Crown Court coming up. So far he has not...
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Puklavec And Friends Slovenian Sauvignon Blanc, currently £6.74 from £8.99. Let us all salute Waitrose for being the first UK supermarket to stock a Slovenian wine. Puklavec and his...
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in the supermarket last night..... absolutely stunning lady in there with immaculate hair and clothes and figure, she was around mid to late forties i am guessing.....potentially just perfect... she...
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I'm having a celebration in Kidlington, North Oxford, about 2 miles from a small airport. Is there any law against this?
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If Ian Duncan Smith wants to impliment work for Brits shouldn't he stop the admin jobs sent out to foreign lands ?

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