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Anyone know what the Maximum Charge should be for a Course of NHS Dental Treatment and what costitutes a Course of Treatment? Many Thanks for any replies.
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I had an appointment for a check up at 9-30 this morning and he said everything was fine. It is now 12-30 and haf a tooth has fallen out. I rang the surgery but can't get an appointment today. I work...
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My daughter how is 5 years old has a tooth absess. Although she is on antibiotics I seem to remember more natural things I could put on the gum to speed the healing process, i.e. oil of cloves, garlic...
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I hate dentists ! The last one I nearly punched because he caused me so much pain by trying to fit a temporary filling to a hole that had a nerve exposed....I hate dentists anyway but he gave me pain...
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can mouth ulcers, not fever blisters, be passed during kissing and/or oral sex and cause genital herpes?
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I brush every day and have two teeth which are in dire need of attention - one has only the roots left and the other I just noticed a large hole. Problem is my phobia is so strong I can't even listen...
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I have regularly gone to the dentist for check-ups every 6 months for years...but following the retirement of my usual dentist, the first trip to the replacement has not gone well. He's told me that I...
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hi i have an allergy to nickel and I asked my dentist if the N.H.S crowns contain nickel , he said yes and i will have to pay ?350.00 per crown.Both are on my rear teeth is this right ?.
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after having a tooth 'built up' how long does it usually take to feel normal and not all sticky-out and big?
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Can any of these 'new' toothpastes on the market (Blanx, Sensodyne etc) that claim to rebuild tooth enamel really work?
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Which is the best whitening toothpaste available in supermarkets/chemists?
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Had tooth out on Monday. Everything been going okay and haven't needed any pain relief. However, area 'feels' strange and aches a little when I wake up in the morning. Have read about 'dry socket' and...
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i just had an oral surgery to take my wisdom teeth out and during the process i was put to sleep but i woke up near the end. i was wondering if the surgeons woke me up somehow or i woke up myself? how...
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i think i have found the reason for my sore gums- i've come up with a bout of mouth ulcers =( i have about 4 and one is on the bit of skin which connects your bottom lip and gums which i think is why...
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First of all sorry for the long question: Last Friday I ended up having to have an emergency dentist appointment after establishing my ear and cheek pain wasn't an ear infection. The dentist I saw...
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Does anybody know of any natural alternatives to statins. A friend of mine suffered a heartattack (in his early forties) and has to take statins to keep his cholesterol down (even though it isn't...
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The pricelist in my NHS dental surgery:- check-up and clean......?15 one or more fillings.......?42 (inclusive of the above ?15) crown(s) dentures etc....?189 Is this a nationwide pricing?
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i am 62 but believe i am not too old to have my teeth straightened. I have read about very fine braces that appear almost unnoticeable. Has anyone any experiences to share?
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hey there erm i have found this kinda lump thing on one side of my neck its tender to touch and have just noticed it this eve....anyone any idea if it could be anything ??
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for example someone who is two faced are you good at seeing through them? x x

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