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It’s looking very likely that other half has the beginnings of a detached retina, an emergency optician appointment in an hour will confirm or exclude this. Has anyone had this and had it treated? Did...
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I’ve been advised to wear shoes with a very flexible sole, not like my current trainers/walking shoes, which have a very rigid sole that doesn’t bend at all, or very very little. I’m ok with the...
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I know one or two people here have had the above done. I’m due to have two done on Friday, I have a pre op and an appointment with the hygienist on Tuesday. My question is, how was eating in the...
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Completely different from one another but we’ve enjoyed both. A film...Close...about a female bodyguard The Young Sheldon...a series with lots of subtle humour...
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I’ve been experiencing some soreness in, I think, the bit from my throat to my ear but only when I swallow. I don’t get earache at all, it’s just when I swallow I’m very aware of some what I would...
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I have a lot of tinned and frozen stuff which I need to use up over the next week to make room for Christmas things. I want to use up bulky (boxes of vegetarian things)from the freezer, and numerous...
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We have a pre lit Christmas tree with nine functions, the very last of which is the one we flashing, chasing, etc, just on all the time. Every time we switch them on we have to go through...
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We’re hosting Christmas this year for quite a number of family and hangers on, which is fine. However, we’ve been asked NOT to do turkey this year, which is also fine, and are contemplating doing a...
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Anyone bought any recently? Where from?? Seems to be a lack of it.
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Someone we know has had a summerhouse erected in their garden and has the inside done out like a traditional old style pub. We’d like to get them something (partly for Christmas and partly as a...
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I bought some distilled white vinegar today, to use as a cleaner, mainly for the inside car windscreen but also for inside house windows. I’ve diluted it 50/50 with cool boiled water as that’s...
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Has anyone made this, assembled the whole thing, and then frozen it before cooking it?
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Am trying to find some bunk beds which are 30” wide (quite narrow), lightweight metal, and which can be separated into two single beds. Any ideas?? No, we’ve not fallen out, yet!!...
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Just had FaceTimes with all the children, left us both with a smile on our faces. As a consequence, we’ve booked a holiday place for us all next year for someone’s special birthday where we can all be...
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for the past week or two, the inside of both my ears (the bit you can’t see but can put your little finger in) have been very itchy, and when I do put my little finger in to ease the itch, it comes...
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Cleaned the shower, thoroughly, put the dogs winter cover on his crate but not his winter bedding, cleaned the dog slobber off two patio doors, taken said dog for a long walk, and generally just...
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Found this on Netflix by chance while looking for Judy & Punch. Very interesting..funny, a bit sad, worth a watch. It’s about a female porn star in the UK, more about her personal life than anything...
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Sqad, am I ok to use Sudafed Blocked Nose Spray over a long period of time or am I storing up more problems? I have only been using one spray in each nostril, and only at night, for about a week and...
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Netflix, Danish series dubbed into English and with English subtitles. It’s a murder investigation. Well worth a watch....
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For numerous reasons we couldn’t watch this last night. We’ve watched it on catchup this afternoon and I have to say, after not being very keen on watching it, found it really good. I see Rita...

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