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Not the ones Tilly wears to weddings :) but the brand. Does anyone have one? OH bought one yesterday, wore it to walk the dog and a gust of wind blew it off. Looking on line, it appears if you do the...
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Gawd, what will you be doing instead of watching it (other half glued to box to watch the match which is about to start, I can’t even pronounce it let alone spell it). I may have to over indulge in...
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In a mint and red currant gravy, petit pois and dauphinois potatoes is on our plates tonight. It’ll make a nice change from the salads we seem to have eaten a lot of lately due to the warm weather and...
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On the news, the group of islands Ibiza belongs to has been referred to as the ba lee A ricks, if that makes sense, whereas I thought it was called the ba LEER icks. How do you pronounce it?...
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Any suggestions for getting fluids down an 18 month old with the above? He’s not keen on anything much at the moment, not surprising as he has three blisters in his mouth. He’s perky enough in bursts...
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Scrambled eggs on toast, am saving myself for all the cooking ahead in the next week while the family (including a pregnant one) are with us. I have a whole week of meals planned out, shopping...
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Every afternoon round about 4pm, give or take an hour or so, a flock of what I think are pigeons, flies round and round for about half an hour. I reckon there are about 30 birds in this flock and...
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Does anyone use one? Have they helped, or been a total waste of time and money? Thanks....
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Had a trip down memory lane earlier, reminiscing about our treat of the month from the Chinese chippy when we were first married..chicken pineapple..and now I MUST have some! Been looking online but...
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Neighbour is making this tonight and it encouraged me to look up recipes for it. I’ve seen one for salmon, sweet potatoes and peas and quite fancy doing it, anyone made one? Was wondering if it needs...
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It’s been getting progressively more painful so had a telephone consultation this morning with GP. He wants to rule out any hip joint bone problem so was putting me through for an X-ray, marked...
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Yesterday a large fully blood engorged tick dropped off our dog onto the carpet, it was the size of a baked bean! Fortunately it was so slow moving we caught and dispose of it easily. We do try to...
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I am against this and wouldn’t contribute to the money needed to fund it. If it was out to the vote, I’d vote against it. I’d also be against the government funding it, as has been suggested. The NHS,...
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This evening it’s either tuna, sweet corn & mayo filled jacket potato or fish finger filled oven bottom muffin with peas Opinions in this household are divided......
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With cauliflower cheese grills this evening. The ratatouille consisted of four sweet pointy peppers, three large onions, a tin of extra special cherry tomatoes, some fresh cherry tomatoes, a whole...
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Prompted by another thread, I’ve just checked what food it’s necessary to keep in the fridge and what isn’t, and was quite surprised. I’m talking opened jars and bottles not fresh food. I keep jam,...
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I know you like feedback Sqad, so thought I’d let you you know.. Telephone consultation earlier with one of our GPs who specialises in sports injuries, joint problems, etc. After asking lots of...
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Anyone had any problems with them? We ordered some curtains on line last Monday and were informed via the website they would be delivered at the latest today, via DHL. On Friday we were told they’d...
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Do people have a user name on Facebook or do you use your real name, is that part of being on Facebook, so people know who you are and can contact you? I have no idea how it works but we’ve just been...
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The five rose bushes I have in the back garden have started producing variegated leaves over the last week or so. Also what I think is a type of low growing laurel has some similar leaves just...

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